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Organic Grow-Humboldt Chocolate Mint OG

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    Stop that!

    "my limited skills"
    my ass

    look at what you have accomplished, what you have learned, under the most adverse of conditions

    and, I want to know if it really tastes like chocolate mint
    Last edited by LurkingInTheGrass; 10-18-2019, 08:20 PM. Reason: Splng hrd


      LurkingInTheGrass Thank you for that mate, that was kind of you to say that I still shudder at the word spidermite....I have to say that recently I went through a very heavy chocolate munchies phase, mainly the orgasmic Wispa Bar (organ music playing dramatically in the background, flash of lightning, deep rumble of thunder) and man alive, there really isn`t much out there to beat `em but then I decided to white sugar detox and only eat fruit sugars...well, I`ve just made it into the kitchen and discovered that over the course of last night whilst watching the amazing Peaky Blinders first season (awesome) stoned I`d ate three bags of satsumas-roughly 21 in total....21 satsumas...that`s a hell of a lot of satsumas and I could still murder a WispaClick image for larger version  Name:	71HhdudH6eL._SL1500_.jpg Views:	0 Size:	202.7 KB ID:	343309
      Last edited by PaganRich; 10-19-2019, 01:35 AM.


      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        s62 Well, had that then a choc bar as well then a mate popped round & said fancy another breakfast in Glastonbury and now back home, stuffed, after a very nice sausage and bacon seeded granary`s turning out to be one of those days. Reckon it`s a lazy afternoon watching Season One of Peaky Blinders...and nothing more to eat

      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
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        NICE - pizza for breakfast was always one of my favorites. next day pizza is as good (sometimes better), oven toasted, mmmmmmm

        my keto breakfast will likely not be approved, by most
        'Lurkings interpretation' of Bullet Proof coffee:
        big old cup of coffee + coconut oil + MCT oil + chocolate/caramel protein powder (mostly for flavour, not for any quantity of protein)
        stir it with a milk frother, and it will foam up like a cappucino

        The first one, ever - is not your favourite.
        but you get used to it, now I find that a regular coffee is almost 'thin'

      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        LurkinginTheGrass Sounds right up my street that, mate

      Well, I`m stumped. This is my second attempt with this lass. I would post a pic but f##k it. Three days ago she was mega vibrant. I`d always had probs with watering her and the previous strain lass-they seemed to hardly ever want to drink then next minute, leaves are around their ankles but pre-empt that and overwatering symptoms set in. Anyway, very caggy with this lass and she was fine then she had a feed...okay for 12 hours then everything just went tits up-totally limp...soil wasn`t compact, even used a thin stick through the airholes to add smoother drainage but for some reason she went from thirsty and happy to non drinking and almost dead and I didn`t water heavily either. Drainage was fine, not too close to lights...looks like a root problem so went to throw her out and decided to have a butchers at the root ball-it was fine, big, dense good looking rootball and not drenched either but it was a decent weight but still not drenched/satuated and loads of perlite throughout-very strange. So, I repotted her with dry soil around the root ball which was roughly 3.5 gallon pot size in a 5 gal pot so a good size. Curiousity really but plan to chop her Sunday and just did this to see if it was a water issue and whether she would improve. I have one seed left but my heart`s not in with this`s not bad seeds, it`s me-I`m just not getting it right with this that`s it....I will try that last seed and probably sprout within the next couple of weeks but I`m calling it a day with this page...sorry folks


      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
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        Nothing wrong with setting a strain to the side, so you can gather more ammunition (some people spell it knowledge 😁 )

        One of the podcasts I recently picked up, is a guy interviewing brèeders (not as interesting as I hoped, mostly stories about their life, but I am still listening?)
        Anyway, there have been a couple 'nope, that strain won't grow for me' stories

        Green thoughts brother

      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        No worries PaganRich I have the same issues with some autos and others on here grew the same strain same breeder had good results. Me I had runts budded way early mini auto. I too have 1 seed each of these strains i'm going to do them again but not real soon. I'm still "green horn" on my skills, just don't get to discouraged she may bounce back give her time.

      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        LurkingInTheGrass SoOrbudgal Thank you for your words...I totally agree, I do much better with stubby indicas than slightly more leggy girls. Saying that, parts are valiently responding and I can`t help but support an under dog..problem being, she`s been under so much stress I fear hermies and probably only in this context could you get away with saying that and not be misunderstood

      Oh for sure Pagan let her ride. Who knows she may not turn into a Herman
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        SoOrbudgal Goring or Munster.....saying that I do like the Munsters, reckon they have the edge over the Addams Family-by the old gods I`m getting on and an even weirder fact was that I watched a programme on Goring just yesterday but I do like WW1 fighter Click image for larger version

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