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Seedling leaves are teared again !!!!

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    Seedling leaves are teared again !!!!

    Hey earlier I have posted a post about my seedling leaves been eaten by a bird or something. I have changed the plant pots place and there were true leaves that were beginning to come up and when I checked the plant this morning I have found that the leaves have been cut again !!!! What is this ? when I checked it the soil was very dry is is because of under watering or is it a predator ? Please help me guys Here are some pictures for the plants. Is there any chance of survival for this autoflowering plant ?
    And here is my first post:
    Thank you
    Last edited by yevdokim; 08-03-2019, 08:32 AM.

    If you dont find what is eating it, it will be killed


      Better get some bug juice in that area. Apparently the plant is out doors. I would move it indoors until you determine what is dining on your future stash. Hopefully future stash!


        Poor little auto to much trauma not sure it it will make it for a decent plant. I set my pots on risers elevated above ground couple block of wood or ?
        Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

        Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
        indoor/outdoor grower
        1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
        I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
        Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          Ok I have moved this poor plant indoors until it can re-establish itself and grow bigger but about 10 days were taken from here lifetime and thats a lot of time for autoflowering plants. Anyway do you guys know how can I protect it from birds and at the same time I can put the pot at direct sunlight ?


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Birds are your friend, they are after the bug/s.

          I have also sprayed bug juice all over the pot and I check the plant anout 5 times a day to see if there is anything wrong but when I wake up I see that a piece is cut. They are fucking birds I know it


            I put yellow and blue sticky traps near my plants, these are not poison just sticky.
            Some bugs only come out at night, and could be living/hiding in the pot.
            I use "all purpose flour" on the plants near by to kill grasshoppers.
            There are many plants that repel bugs such as marigolds.
            I have read that perlite an inch deep over the soil helps with some critters.
            Some folks use DE (food grade only) on/in the soil to help kill bugs
            I use powdered sulfur as well, bugs dont like it,,
            Good luck finding and getting rid of this pest!
            BTW if you have chickens they may eat it, but it would be gone!


              Bro I can't believe you were right. It wasn't a bird. I saw it with my eyes. It was a fucking butterfly sort of insect. I didn't think it was a bug because there is no bugs in my area, no grasshoppers or anything just ants and flies but I didn't think a butterfly can eat marijuana leaves. It seems like all the world is against my first plant lol. Thank you very much mate but How can I kill this fucking problem maker ?! I have put a glass cup upside down on the seedling so that it becomes in it and I saw this fucking bitch trying to enter the cup to dine on my baby but it couldn't I tried to kill it but it escaped. I will keep this cup to protect my plant until I am sure that there are no predator no more or until the plant becomes stronger and bigger or those bitches can eat an adult plant leaves too ?


              • quietlybinary
                quietlybinary commented
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                I didn't even know that butterflies have teeth.

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                The other name for them is "Moths" and even the pretty ones are not wanted near your plants. They lay eggs which make caterpillars that also eat your plants. And those ants will bring aphids to your plants so they can farm them.
                I am reluctant to say use a bug zapper as the last one I plugged in cost almost $400 for a month! It killed one hell of a lot of bugs! I got chickens. they dint need electricity, and give me eggs. Maybe a light away from your plant to attract them there and kill as many as you can!

              Lmao, They are badass bitches man lol


                cannabis-symptoms-pictures I believe you have a slug/grasshopper or cricket issue. The slug and cricket like night time feeding and grass hopper during the day. A simple screen dome will do the job to protect it until it matures enough for transplant. Take an old metal screen and rap it around a round gallon jug. Overlap 1" and cut. Hot glue together at overlap. Cut to desired hight. Cut round top and hot glue to top. Prevents bugs from flying /crawling onto your plant.simple to make and resuable. Put some salt around your pots on the ground for slugs. Just a thought . Good Growing !!


                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  A bowl of beer set out will attract slugs they cant resist it, and it melts them, just like salt does, cept they like beer,,.

                I have put a glass cup upside down on the seedling so that the seedling becomes in it and I made small holes at the top of the cup for air. Nothing have touched my plant since I did that. I wished I did that when I first planted the seed. Anyway I put the pot in a large bowl with water so that any crawling insect can drown when it tried to reach my pot. I will remove the cup after the seedling becomes better and thank you very much for this cannabis symptoms pictures. Now I am sure that they are those fucking bugs. I will fucking get rid of all them with my way without hurting the plant thank you very much guys


                • Colombo
                  Colombo commented
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                  Hope it all works out for you ! You will definitely have a story to tell at harvest . Good luck with your grow !

                Thank you bro.Yes actually my first grow will be very adventurous when it finishes. Who knows if it all went very well I will post another post for my harvest


                  Ok guys, 7 days passed now when I my first post about this seedling. Now the plant is looking better. So I am asking if there is hope for this auto plant to produce a decent yield or no ? Btw this autoflowering plant's germinated seed was put in the soil in 26/7/2019 and it had its problems but I hope it recovered by now and will grow normally guys

                  The first picture is the oldest one a week ago and the new ones are taken just now Also what are those orange spots on one of the leaves ?

                  Thats my baby right now
                  Thanks again
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by yevdokim; 08-07-2019, 05:50 AM.


                    Some of my best yields came from mutants and damaged plants, it is now up to you to grow her out,,, LOL
                    I place these sticky traps around the plants, you can see they work,,,,


                      Originally posted by Rwise View Post
                      Some of my best yields came from mutants and damaged plants, it is now up to you to grow her out,,, LOL
                      I place these sticky traps around the plants, you can see they work,,,,
                      Yes, that's a good idea too. do you stick it on the plant's stem or what ? And also what are those orange spots on the damaged leaf. I also have a good feeling about the yield but I won't prune or top anything. I won't even do LST on this auto plant. I will leave it as it is and hopefully its conditions will result in an average yield.


                      • Rwise
                        Rwise commented
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                        I smash bugs where ever I find them, some leaf damage will happen.
                        I use a fiberglass rod (2 bucks each at TSC), some I cut in half. They are used to train and hold these sticky traps. Mother Nature has shown me that training makes them produce more,,, so I pull her over and tie her down,,,,

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