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Leaves and viens are turning yellow from new growth

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    SOIL Leaves and viens are turning yellow from new growth

    Hi guys just here to say thank you for everyone that is willing to spend their time checking out this post. My name is Lalac and this is my first grow with soil!

    Here is my setup:

    Light: 2 x 880W Full spectrum LED

    Organic Soil Mix:

    Sungrow no.4 (Peat sphagnum perlite medium)
    Worm casting
    Fish Meal
    Bone Meal
    Blood Meal
    Dolomite Lime
    Epsom salt
    Potassium Humate
    Chitin Meal

    I wont get into details for my amendment I do have questions regarding on this matter but this post I hope any experience artist to help me out and diagnose what deficiency these ladies are suffering.

    I ran out of my soil mix during transplant from my 2 Super Skunk from 15gal to 30 gal. So I cut it with more Sungrow. 2 days later they start to show deficiency, seems like leaves and veins turning yellow from new upper leaves and new growth. The yellowing seems to progress from the inside to outwards.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4067[2].JPG Views:	1 Size:	3.38 MB ID:	316298

    Click image for larger version  Name:	image_80505.jpg Views:	1 Size:	2.10 MB ID:	316300
    What should i give to my ladies at this situation to help resolve this matter?

    Plants around 3months veg. Grown from seeds.

    Mad love and peace guys! Thanks for spending your time looking at this post

    Everything looks good to me. I would recommend a hair cut and some LST or Low Stress Training to expose more of those bud sites you got going on there. Two of my plants look very similar. The lighter green color indicates new growth. I don't see any yellow. Also on that last pic looks like you have a caterpillar munching on your leaves, you may want to check that out.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by FatBoy40; 06-18-2019, 02:38 AM.


      I would say just water it with kelp and alfalfa that should cover all your bases. At least kelp. Look up Coot kelp recipe. But yeah looks good give it some time.


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