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    Hi guys. for the past few crops I've been having a slight pollen problem. A few flowers have been pollinated. I cant understand why as i clean the room with bleach and water every single new crop.

    how long will pollen stay active for before it dies off?

    will plain water kill off pollen?

    ive read somewhere that the air filters can possibly be a dry storage place for pollen. Should you change the filter sleeve every new crop? thanks

    I dont have the answers, I plan to clear coat the closet I had a hermie in, that should seal everything in place.


      pollen only lasts a week after that its dead. water does kill pollen and pollen from a few months ago its only dust. you have one or more plants throing out a few bananas and pollinating eachother. so as long as it doesnt get outta control and throwing hundreds of pollen sacks your crop its going to be fine. you could try different genetics, if you already have then at sometime during flowering the plants are suffering some kind of stress you need to eliminate



        oh really. I thought pollen lasted alot longer than that. Yeah sometimes I have some bananas.

        this crop is going great though no signs off stress anywhere so unsure why some off the flower pistles have went brown already. From week 2 some pistles went brownish colour. I'm sure that means it's pollinated?

        yeah I'm still getting good results but want to try and sort this probelm out. Thanks


        • Schwaggy
          Schwaggy commented
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          I could be wrong but I’m sure I’ve browned some pistils by hitting a flower with my hand or arm. I’m clumsy!

        There's no guarantee that pollen is dead in a week. It can linger in the air for quite some time and has been tracked across continents moving through high altitude air currents. If it's mixed with typical dust, odds are you're not even going to know the difference between dust and pollen. Your best bet is a HEPA air filter and a thorough wipe down of all surface area. Walls, floor, everything in the room.



          yeah I always do clean down all equipment and surfaces. I've just kept have a slight problem and read somewhere that you need to chnage the sieve on your filter. So I'm thinking maybe pollen has stored within filter or sleeve.


            I have read and read and read on pollen and how long it lives off the plant, it seems there is not a definite answer
            I have read that pollen lives
            0nly 7 days off the plant
            lives 14 days off the plant
            Lives indefinitely off the plant
            That it can be stored for up to a year in the freeze
            that it can be stored indefinitely in the freeze
            So confusing,,,


            • 9fingerleafs
              9fingerleafs commented
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              just like everything else its not that simple and theres no definitive answer, leaving aside the differences in genetics (wild landraces may have pollen more suited to survive in its environment) some other factors may be decisive like temperature and humidity, for sure a hot and moist environment will degrade pollen faster than a cold dry one, so it doesnt sound crazy that some people say one week and other two weeks, it just means pollen will live up to a couple of weeks. on the other hand there are people saving pollen for months in the freezer and even when 99 percent of the pollen is inert there is still a good chance you get a few successful pollinations because a gram of pollen can hold millions of single pollen and you only need one per seed

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