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    #16 already been reading it its mite 100% fuck my life. i dosed them with azatrol insecticide, dude at the shop sweared by it i did tops and bottoms of leafs, recommendation needed should i try avid? exact stuff im using
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    Last edited by r3m1; 12-15-2016, 10:08 PM.


    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      I know it's absolutely terrible, but I just had to say this is one of the nicest pictures of the two-spotted spider mite I've seen from a grower

    • furrysparkle
      furrysparkle commented
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      Indeed nicely shot!!

    Azatrol is a neem oil extract. Its a systemic, so it's going to take a while for it to work. You can try multiple modes of action to ensure eradication. Easier said than done.. I recommend you clean your grow area, including filters and fans. Use best business practices. Wash your hands before and after working with them, if you have outdoor pets, keep them out, etc.

    Do you know how you got them? Is it a clone?


    • r3m1
      r3m1 commented
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      clone, im gonna pick up some avid to spray them with i watched them and mad ea video their not able to eat they keep moving trying to find a spot not. found babys on a leaf and a few others. so glad im in veg stage still. yea i got clones from a buddy who stated i will want to spray on the safe side but their wasn't any with him as he spray period to prevent. i was trying to guess i failed im gonna spary them every other day for now and lucky i have 3 weeks to 4 weeks to bloom. just happy i caught it

      -i sweep every other day, area is locked off now i did have them out where the cat can be by them while i was doing some work in their.
      changed fans some and im causing more movement at plants.

    I'm sure you will handle and all this will be in the past soon enough


    • r3m1
      r3m1 commented
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      beside the Azatrol waht is reccommended to use to kill now, i am going to disinfect the room today fully by bleach and water (removing plants from room). should i also spray again today? gonna apply neem oil as well
      Last edited by r3m1; 12-16-2016, 10:57 AM.

    hes better pics im gonna try to upload the videos to youtube as well.


      Someone was recommending rubbing or Isopropyl alcohol diluted and sprayed on the mites to kill them. 9/1 ratio (water/alcohol). I know rubbing is 70% and iso is 90% so not sure which type of alcohol the ratio is associated with.

      Then you can use the azatrol for a preventive measure.

      I would take the plant into the shower and spray the foliage with luke warm water until all the mites and eggs are washed off. Put a plastic bag around the media and try not to get it too wet.


      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        thanks royal, shower as under shower head or tub faucet. i dry my soil out basically till its almost dry as is. plastic will be hard due to the type of pots being smart pots. i will do a 2ml of iso mix to a 1lter bottle of spray water. should i still buy a thing of avid, i was up all nite not able to sleep because i feel infected from this not just my plants. i am also worried about my dads set up as i gave him 3 plants about 2
        weeks ago.

      • Royal Nugs
        Royal Nugs commented
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        If you have a showering wand, that would work best. I can't speak to avid, I hear it works well but I have no experience with it. Speaking of which, predator insects are always an option too. Maybe you can get your friend that gave you the clone to split the cost with you... and the predators.

      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        i do have a wand for the shower, ill do that when the little one is napping, or sleeping tonite. im gonna apply neem oil as well, ill get some avid to be safe too he told me that its a great stopper,i spoke to him already, he stated he had a past issue a few harvests ago but none since he has been using avid. i have looked at them already and havent found any bug as of yet, but hey they can hide.

      I have a the same problem alc. and water slowed them down but did not rid me of them. I am now in the process of killing them all with a no pest strip in a sealed room for 48 hours then I plan to wash them good this only works wit non flowering plants lots of luck


      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        same as the azatorol has, almost want to toss that hard work away.

      well bleached the entire room from top to bottom, even the lights where done. scrubbed the floor till is was cement again lol, and i also started deflo the plants. as i deflo ill scope the leafs out.


      • Royal Nugs
        Royal Nugs commented
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        I bet you're exhausted... have a smoke and take it easy.

      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        only wish i had smoke lol, i cant find anything on any leafs so far i cleaned up plants and did a spray with neem oil like 20 mins ago. jsut hope i got every fucker ill spray again on sunday!

      Keep vigilante


      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        very vigilante

      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        went and looked today, just a visual look and the plants seem ok but i have noticed some white spots so im gonna check them by scope in a few

      update, so after cleaning the entire room and out side room, sprayed a few different kinds on killer on plants, i scoped plants some havent seen a mite yet, but eggs i do so ive been spraying once a day with neem oil, im gonna pickk up some avid this week (broke as a joke) to spray the plants with it.
      if i cant get rid of them i think i might just scrap the load and start fresh again, also been told to try nuke em.


      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        they shouldn't but figured i give it a few day forbore i do anything else as the plants dont seem to show any bugs as of now. fans are running and plants seem fine but time will tell.

      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        still not mites showing up, thinking i took care of them. I check still twice a day for them but i dont see anything, might run across an egg or two but not 100% even if its an egg, plants seem to still be growing, i added some azorl to the nuts to help kill in soil are well ( directions for adding to soil are in instructions). so hopefully i was able to catch them at the right time!

      • NebulaHaze
        NebulaHaze commented
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        That's great!

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