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Grow Journal - Possible Painkiller XL (RQS)

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    COCO COIR Grow Journal - Possible Painkiller XL (RQS)

    Good Morning, GWE.

    Long time lurker, first time signing up and posting. Given that GWE managed to accidentally coach me through my first grow, I figured this would be a good place to document my second.

    As a recap, my first grow had quite a few pH and soil problems, and my first plant which was impacted by them all ended up rather stunted and yielded a rather meager 10g harvest. However, I started a second seed 5 weeks in that was spared a lot of these early issues, and that plant gave me 52g (1.8oz) which I figured was quite respectable for a first grow in a 5 sqft tent under a lower-powered (116 actual watts) LED light. About half of that was good bud, and half of it was fluffy bud and trim. The fluffy trim made a nice green dragon. This was with just some LST for both plants, and no other training/defoliation techniques. I would like to be a little bit better about "undensifying" my plant, as a lot of that fluffy bud was fluffy because it was hidden deep in the interior of my plant and never got quite enough light to fill out, I think.

    So here we are at grow 2. You'll notice I called it a "possible Painkiller XL" in the title? I am not completely sure which seed I germinated. I looked at the key on the back of my package and suddenly wondered: "Is the key set up so that it lines up with the seeds when you're looking at the back of the package, like I am now, or does it represent the front of the bubble pack?"

    So, as you can see above, I'm either growing a Painkiller XL, like I expect, OR I might be growing a Royal Medic. If anyone has any personal experience with the RQS mixed packs and could help me figure out what I may have actually planted, that would be great!

    EDIT: MARCH 10, 2019. Mystery Solved - this is a Royal Medic!

    So the seed was soaked 12 hr, then kept in a moist paper towel on a seedling heat mat for 24, at which point it had a rootlet so it went into the coir solo cup, and 24 hours after that, we had a sprout! So I guess my seeds have a decent chance of being fresh, as that was a quick germination!

    This grow, I'll probably try the Mega Crop I got. I was going to use it for my first grow, after I realized I needed to move from pH 8 soil to coir if I wanted my plant to live... but Customs got really interested in it, and held up the shipping by about a month. By that point, I had the basic Micro-Grow-Bloom nutrients from Advanced Nutrients, so I stuck with those for grow 1. I plan to supplement with some Cal-Mag, the MC PK booster in flower, and use some of their "sweet candy" additive as well, just to see how I feel about it.

    I'm planning on doing more training as well. I saw a thread, I think on here, about a double manifold technique that looks promising, so I think I'll give that a shot, and I will root/clone the part of the plant I cut off. I'm hoping to turn my one plant into at least 3. 2 to flower, and one to play with for creating female pollen. I'd like to try and get self-sufficient for seeds, because they always end up being around $15/seed after shipping and currency conversion and such. It's a little pricy, given that I'm not selling to grow and am not exactly a connoisseur.

    In all reality, I only started smoking this year, and still don't smoke much. The ~2oz I got of my first grow looks like it might last my spouse and I a whole year. But I really like growing plants, as my living room can attest, and I've found cannabis to be a really fun plant. (It grows so fast and is just so trainable.) So if I keep up all this growing I'm doing, I just might need to make new friends to give away my produce to.
    Last edited by Eigholte; 03-10-2019, 08:21 PM. Reason: Solved the mystery of the missing strain. The planted seed is a Royal Medic.
    Novice Grower
    Coir - 5 Gal
    AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
    1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
    1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

    Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
    Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
    Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
    Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
    Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

    Strange Roadkilled LED light:
    COB build in progress: (no post yet)

    Welcome To the other side of the Forum Eigholte
    Most of us don't bit!
    nice write up you have here and I look forward to seeing you make it happen. Definitely two nice Cbd strains whichever one it is.
    The good/bad part of this side of the Forum is peeps like me talk back at you directly, so I'm going to suggest if you can keep your nutrient line up the same for your second world do it, you will be working with one less unknown.

    Good luck and I'm stubbed in.

    Space for Rent.


      Originally posted by Mr.furley View Post
      Welcome To the other side of the Forum Eigholte
      Most of us don't bit!
      nice write up you have here and I look forward to seeing you make it happen. Definitely two nice Cbd strains whichever one it is.
      The good/bad part of this side of the Forum is peeps like me talk back at you directly, so I'm going to suggest if you can keep your nutrient line up the same for your second world do it, you will be working with one less unknown.

      Good luck and I'm stubbed in.

      See, I KNOW you're right about the advantages of consistency... but I'm definitely the type that likes to "tinker" with things. It's so tempting to just tweak something here, try something new there... The only upside is that while I tinker, I'm usually pretty good about documenting it, at least. But keeping the 'nutes the same would not only give me a more apples-to-apples comparison on this 2nd grow, it would let me use up my old nutrients before I switch over to something new... hrmm...

      The sprout just got above ground today, so I have a little bit of time to waffle on what my final choice should be.
      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        Oh believe me I am a cannabis cutting, branch bent, light moving, leaf taking, plant starving, nothing is ever the same except the color of my tent kind of grower.
        But there is truth in less is more with cannabis growing, you get a system that is fail proof, then add the new levels pushing the envelope. Keep what worked and trash the bad ideas next thing you know it's easy Breezy.
        Look forward to watching you grow no matter how.
        Last edited by Mr.furley; 12-30-2018, 04:45 PM.

      Welcome to the party Click image for larger version

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      subbed to your grow


      • Eigholte
        Eigholte commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks! It's a pleasure to be here.

        I'll probably end up popping in on Sundays to update this thread, since that will be a full weeks worth of growth for this little project. I'll try to keep it well photographed and mildly entertaining.

      Good Morning, GWE

      Week one is over, and the tiny plant is looking very pleased with itself. After abbreviating the strain in my tracking sheet to "PXL", I have decided this plant and its clones shall be known as Pixel this grow. (The last grow was named Sprüht)

      Not too much to report, overall. However, I took Mr. Furley's advice, and have been feeding with my AN nutes from my last grow, except for that first soak of the coir, which I am going to retroactively justify by claiming is was so I could get the cellulase they include in that formula into the coir to make reusing it 'safer'. (In reality? Just impatient to try something new).
      • Seedling was started with a dome for humidity, which was gradually removed over three days.
      • Tent humidity has ranged from 60% down to 35% at points, but averaging 45%-55%. I am doing a little misting of tent surfaces (not the plant) to try keep it above 45% or so.
      • Temperatures are about 26c/79F during the day, cooling to 17C/63F at night.
      • Lights are on 18/6, and started at 25" above the plant, and were slowly dropped to 18" over the course of the week.
      • Plant was watered once, with Cal/Mag/AN nutrient solution at pH 6.3 / 445ppm (including the ~150ppm that naturally occurs in my tap water. So about 300ppm of actual nutrients)

      Growth has really taken off in the last few days! That second set of true leaves has only been growing for about a day, and it's to the point that it gets 1/8-1/4" longer every 4-6 hours now.

      I think the two best lessons I'm applying from my last grow are
      A) Check the pH. No seriously, check it again! - and -
      B) Don't over-water. I remembered how light my 5 gallon coir could get without a single sign of wilting, and I thought twice about giving the seedling a second watering. I'll hold off for a day or two.

      Photos are just a touch grainy, but I'm using my older camera rather than my cell phone, as I am not sure I want these pictures in the cloud. It was a reasonably nice point-n-shoot camera back in the day, but that was almost 10 years ago...
      Click image for larger version

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      Click image for larger version

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      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        Got some good color, looking healthy.

      So on a side note... given that I was planning to use the Mega Crop for this grow I had ordered a few more things to supplement my existing sample. They delivered the new stuff I ordered rather quickly, and I have to say, they've really upgraded their packaging. Which might have something to do with how quick, relatively speaking, I got this order compared to the last one.

      Last time, customs got super curious about the package. It was cut open and re-taped closed by the time I got it well over a month later. As I opened it, I think I figured out why - the old logo was very pot-leaf heavy. Given that at that point, Canada had already announce the legalization date, I suspect Customs couldn't do anything about a fertilizer sample with a pot leaf on it. But it may have explained some of the interest and delay.

      Now, there's a almost complete absence of pot leaves, and it looks really spiffy... (pH pen for scale)
      Click image for larger version

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      Ugh. Next grow. Must be patient... Must. Be. Patient.
      Stupid shiny packaging!
      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
        Editing a comment
        I KNOW RIGHT?1?

        stupid shiny packaging - have to hide it in a box

      I have a question, if anyone is hanging around...

      ... what do other people use to determine when their plant is ready to be transplanted out of it's Solo Cup home?

      Pixel here is hitting two of my criteria: Leaf span is as wide as the top of the cup. and small rootlet is poking out of cup drainage hole. So I prepared my next pot last night and set it in the tent. But I do wonder about the timing - this plant is 12 days old... I don't think I've ever transplanted a plant that young before, regardless of species!

      I will be transplanting using my more successful protocol from last grow; from Solo Cup directly to 16" diameter homemade smart pot. It requires me to control the watering more accurately, but the plant that was transplanted into my 1 gallon smart pot first had a lot of roots go through the smart pot material which were ripped out during the second transplant. I think that the 1 gal to 5 gal move was a traumatic transplant for the plant in question, and probably contributed to the poor yield along with the pH.

      I think someday I'll make new "medium size" smart pots that have velcro down the side, in the hopes that maybe that would reduce transplant trauma compared to "peeling" the pot off like a sweater...
      Great news is that I have plenty of geo-textile material, I don't have to worry about testing designs. Just have to put in the time to sew them.
      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


      I took 9fingerleafs suggestion and slipped the solo cup to look at the roots last night - and they had just started to do laps around the bottom of the cup. The race winners were at about 1/3 of the way around.

      So I transplanted the plant to it's new home. I'd made the solo-cup shaped hole the night before, and the soil was already moistened, drained and at the same temperature as the tent, so it was a super simple move. Being prepared is nice.

      I was rewarded today with the sight of more growth on the third set of leaves - my plant does not appear to be too upset at all! So, formal updates and pictures to follow tomorrow morning!
      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
        Editing a comment
        im very glad it worked out

      Update - End of Week Two.

      As mentioned, the seedling has been transplanted and seems to be feeling okay about that.

      Fairly even green color, though there was a little shift in color about 2 days after after the transplant, with a little more red at the top of the plant. I double-checked the coir pH in the new pot, as I've had prior pH issues cause unusual discoloring, just in case. It was normal (around 6.6 ish), and the color seems to have returned to normal color so I think I'm not going to worry about it.

      Lights are now at 16" after the transplant, and over the week, the plant has consumed:
      200mL of nutrient solution at 535ppm for watering
      4L / 1 Gallon of nutrient solution at 595ppm for soaking the new coir pot.

      I anticipate I won't need to water this one much for a while. And the larger, moist coir pot has brought the humidity in the tent up to around 50%, which is about where I want it to be.

      All in all, so far so good!

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      Novice Grower
      Coir - 5 Gal
      AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
      1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
      1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

      Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
      Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
      Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
      Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
      Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

      Strange Roadkilled LED light:
      COB build in progress: (no post yet)


        Mid-Week Update:

        Plant is growing, but is a little slower, and has a very mild discoloration that is impacting the top of the plant. Newest leaves have light yellowing on the tips, and next set of leaves down has a little bit of lightening between the veins. Current best guess is mild light burn, so I moved my LED up ~4 inches. Doesn't seem to be getting worse, so I won't resort to drastically changing things until it looks like I have a progressing problem. If it continues to not get worse, maybe the light adjustment will have fixed it.

        In other news I took off the cotelydon and 1st node. Those areas were going to be removed as part of training when the plant hit 6 nodes. (It is currently deploying leaves on Node 4) I decided to remove them early in the hopes of reducing the overall stress load at training time. We'll see if it actually works... if my plant ceases to grow for the next few days, I can probably write this one off as a bad idea. I wanted the plant to focus on growing axial growth I was going to actually keep.

        BUT the removed leaves gave off such a wonderful scent! I was getting skunk and blueberries... the spouse was not impressed, and when I asked their opinion got "I dunno... just mint and weed?"

        It just reminds me of opening a carton of blueberries... Man, I REALLY hope that carries over to the flowers!
        Novice Grower
        Coir - 5 Gal
        AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
        1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
        1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

        Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
        Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
        Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
        Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
        Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

        Strange Roadkilled LED light:
        COB build in progress: (no post yet)


        • Eigholte
          Eigholte commented
          Editing a comment
          Just had a thought. The scent is another clue about which strain I ended up with. This particular hint suggests I may have a Royal Medic on my hands, as that one is referred to as "Fruity and Skunky", and my impression of this was was "Blueberries and Skunks", whereas the Painkiller XL is described as "Lemon and Diesel". Just not getting either of those here.

          Not definitive, but another clue, for sure!

        End of Week Three:

        Here's a photo showing those slightly yellowed tips and that very slight fading between leaf veins.

        Still only impacting the top leaves, the lower axial growth, for instance, isn't having the same issue. And I don't see it getting worse or changing. I'll hold out to see how this next set of leaves for Node 6 comes out, and if they're normal, I'll call it solved.

        Otherwise, I'd say the plant looks rather healthy. 4 full nodes, with the 5th deploying leaves. 6 inches tall, and considerably wider by leaf-span.

        I think it's more probable that I am growing a Royal Medic, though, than a Painkiller XL. Apparently Medic gets more of an indica look to the leaves from the "Critical" side of it's family, whereas Painkiller has more of a sativa-leaf. Also, the smell is more similar to the "Skunky, Fruity and Hashy" description of the Royal Medic than the "Lemon and Diesel" description given to PXL. (Though, to be honest, I've never smelt hash... I'm going off the fact that my plant nailed the "skunk" and "fruit - blueberry" notes).

        I am waiting until the plant has 6 full nodes and is deploying the 7th in order to finish the topping for the double-mainline. I want to take the top of the plant and try to root the axial growth from node 4 and then remove everything left from node 4 and root the plant top with nodes 5/6 for a second plant. The tiny Node 4 clones would be back-ups, and for playing with - such as trying to create fem pollen, etc.

        For a beginner, I've had decent luck with rooting/cloning. My first grow I managed to end with 4 plants out of 2. My main failure so far has been in trying to clone from a plant in full flower - unsuccessful for many reasons - one of them being my little container of rooting gel seems to have had spider mite eggs added to it when the spouse used it to root some sweet potato cuttings from outside. NOPE! Once the bugs were identified under the dome, the clones were banished the the frozen wastelands outside. So it's possible they may have rooted if they hadn't been culled in the name of avoiding a full-scale bio-war.

        Looking forward to trying more cloning later with fresh rooting gel.

        Novice Grower
        Coir - 5 Gal
        AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
        1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
        1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

        Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
        Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
        Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
        Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
        Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

        Strange Roadkilled LED light:
        COB build in progress: (no post yet)


        • LurkingInTheGrass
          LurkingInTheGrass commented
          Editing a comment

          last time I picked up rooting gel - I just grabbed 2 bottles. At the checkout, my wife notices. "we don't need 2 bottles of rooting gel, I'll put one back".

          "yes, we need 2 bottles, If you put one back, you won't have any"

        • Eigholte
          Eigholte commented
          Editing a comment
          I am reasonably lucky in that I took out some from my main bottle into a smaller container when I started using it. That stuff is what got contaminated, it seems. So I still have at least 80% of it left. Just really need to nuke that smaller bottle from orbit. I've played this game of "kill the mites" before with my cotton plant - and so far have not ever won without destroying the infected plant. I'm not keen to do that again!

        Update, end of week 4:

        The now suspected Royal Medic has been growing well, and as of this morning was a rather intimidating 9" high by 15" wide. I believe this plant is capable of throwing the 418 http error, "I'm a teapot", as the resulting plant is short and stout...

        But past that, it was training and clone day. I made one large clone from the top of the plant and nodes 5 & 6. Node 4 was trimmed off and each axial shoot there was rooted as well, for a total of three potential clones. I'm hoping the big clone makes it, as that one is already 'trained' into a second double mainline, and I'm hoping at least one of the axial clones grow.

        So this left me with a much barer looking plant, but the branch structure looks good to me. I have planned for 4 more weeks of veg, so this thing could be a monster by then! If it takes a little longer, though, that's okay too. (Double mainline training structure blatantly stolen from Doubledealing72 )

        So then everyone went in the tent together. Clones take the edge where the light is dimmer (And moisture in their domes help diffuse the light as well) Family Photo!

        Last but not least, I got this crazy idea of scanning one of those monstrous fan leaves on my flat bed scanner. I am REALLY impressed. I think I might make one of these for each of my grows now, and it even seems like a good idea if I need help on discoloration or leaf issues to make a scan of an affected leaf. Fingers crossed it won't come to that last one though! This leaf is 7.5" from cut end to tip. Very leafy.

        Novice Grower
        Coir - 5 Gal
        AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
        1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
        1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

        Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
        Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
        Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
        Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
        Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

        Strange Roadkilled LED light:
        COB build in progress: (no post yet)


        • Doubledealing72
          Doubledealing72 commented
          Editing a comment
          Your plants are looking good eigholte! And please, steal my training Methods! I'm honored!

          LurkingInTheGrass pointed me to a thread on a different forum that shows people using this same technique. I figured it had been done before, I had just never seen it anywhere. They refer to it as a quadline. I like the sound of it 👍

        • Eigholte
          Eigholte commented
          Editing a comment
          I think quadline is a really neat name for it. Picking through your thread, I thought the technique would solve some of the issues I had with my first grow - due to a really short inter-node spacing on that plant, and keeping every branch, I had some significant crowding on the lower part of my plant, and got half of my harvest as fluffy, underdeveloped bud due to lack of light.

          This plant has a much longer node spacing than the previous one, so it may not be as much of a problem, but I think the better branch spacing of the quadline will help my plant(s) better use my (admittedly somewhat under-powered) lighting anyhow.

        Week Five: In today's episode: The main plant gets large and bushy, I get tempted to flip to 12/12, and the clones struggle to keep up.

        Foliage has been a nice even green, mostly. I do see a few very faint yellow tips again, but nothing awful, and the oldest fan leaves (now removed), were showing some deep-green and floppy symptoms reminicent of too much nitrogen? I thought I was feeding this thing lightly (Nothing over 650ppm yet, and usually 150ppm of that is the tap water!!). But maybe it's just a little more sensitive to that than the White Kush was.

        The Quadline on the main plant is filling out nicely, I think. There are a a few little scars on top of the branches - maybe I've been too rough in training? But otherwise the connections look strong and somewhat knuckle-like.

        One clone (one of the axial nodes) is solidly deceased. The other two are starting to show signs that they may be rooting. I'll be looking to slowly ease the domes off them over the next week, and getting them to use their roots for moisture, rather than their stomata.

        However, there is a new plant taking up the space of the deceased clone. With some prompting from the spouse, I soaked a mango and and avocado in my GA3 solution to promote germination and gave them both a "clone cup".The mango tree is up and running now. It's the tiny thing in the Froster cup at far left.

        My poor plants have all these weird roommates. First it was my cotton tree, but I moved her to the Flower tent for a while to free up space for the clones. Now it's the mango... I'm deeply unlikely to get a fruit of the mango in all reality. The biggest success I could expect, really, is that I am able to keep it from becoming a 30 foot tree, and instead convince it that it would like to become my spouse's houseplant pet.
        Novice Grower
        Coir - 5 Gal
        AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
        1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
        1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

        Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
        Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
        Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
        Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
        Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

        Strange Roadkilled LED light:
        COB build in progress: (no post yet)


          Update, End of Week Six:

          Pixel, my main plant looks happy. Even those light yellow leaf tips seem to have cleared up. Interestingly enough, a review of my log might indicate why: From day one, my nutrient pH's were running around 6.3 to 6.5 like clock work. In the middle of week five, I made up a batch that was otherwise the same, but was pH 6.0. The pH shift was a bit of an accident - new acid stock was more potent - but it was in-range (5.5-6.5), so I went with it. And things looked better. I duplicated my last batch for this weeks watering, and that seems to have put the problem to bed. I may have been starving it of a particular nutrient by being so consistently on the higher end of the pH range, perhaps? (Or it's just coincidence that the issue is resolved... who knows!! )

          Anyhow, there is much lush, green, leafy growth, which is great. I am planning to flip at week 8. A question for you all: Would you consider defoliating before flipping here? I tucked the big leaves down to get the shoots/future colas more light. And I can 'see through" the plant at most angles. Should I try it, or just leave it?

          Structure is looking strong, still. Knuckles (and their attendant scars?) are getting bigger, and the main four branches are thickening up nicely.

          I learned that my 100% success rate in cloning was due to beginners luck - back then I managed to accidentally balance things to the perfect humidity it seems. This time, I erred on the side of moister, and have lost 2 of 3 clones to fungus. One of the little axial node clones is alive, and has been nicknamed "The Saddest Clone". Assuming that little thing picks up growth in the next 2-3 days, I'll work on gender-flipping it using GA3, and sacrifice it to my crazy self-produced feminized seed plans.

          Finally, this week the main plant began showing pre-flowers. They look resoundingly female to me. I kinda think sexing plants with pre-flowers is easier than trying to determine the sex of three day old rabbits, and I do the latter with a surprising frequency. The plants don't wriggle or squeak at least... I will claim the plants are way better behaved. (At three days old, any warm, mammal-like object is a potential food source to small rabbits which are blind at that stage... they mostly do NOT sit still while being held. Think squeaky pop-corn.)

          Have a good week, GWE!
          Novice Grower
          Coir - 5 Gal
          AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
          1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
          1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

          Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
          Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
          Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
          Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
          Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

          Strange Roadkilled LED light:
          COB build in progress: (no post yet)


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
            Editing a comment
            You could take a couple of Leafs, but it really isn't that overwhelmingly bushy. If it was mine I'd cut maybe 4 big ones from the top- middle and flip, week 3 is a good time to look at striping 25% of the fan leafs.

          • Eigholte
            Eigholte commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks! That is very handy advice.

          • LurkingInTheGrass
            LurkingInTheGrass commented
            Editing a comment
            Mix up your pH when setting a fresh batch of nutes. Try not to always go in at the same pH

            You want to use more of that pH range (5.5-6.5)

          PS. You guys may or may not be a bad influence. Was reading another thread, and saw a link to Operation Overgrow. I missed the deadline last year, but this year I made it IN! (The concept of even HAVING 100 seeds kinda excites me. So. Many. SEEDS!) So maybe I'll have a future grow journal with "Freedom Dream", their 8-12%, <1% THC strain. Or maybe these plants will mysteriously "escape" into a nearby park system. Who knows...
          Last edited by Eigholte; 02-12-2019, 09:06 AM.
          Novice Grower
          Coir - 5 Gal
          AN Micro-Grow-Bloom / Mega Crop / Cal-Mg
          1.5 x 3' Veg tent with 116w wall LED
          1.5 x 3' Flower tent with 116w wall LED, Vivosun exhaust fan and carbon filtre

          Grow 1: White Kush (MCS) Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 (2 plants / 62g) (No GWE thread)
          Grow 2: Royal Medic (RQS) Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 (1 plant / 75g)
          Grow 3: Blue Mystic (Nirvana) Apr 2019 - Oct 2019 (3 plants / 111g + 45g trim)
          Grow 4: Purple Kush (MCS) Feb 2020 - June 2020 (2 plants / 42g, 250 seeds)
          Grow 5: GSC/Durban Poison (MCS) Late Aug 2020 - ???

          Strange Roadkilled LED light:
          COB build in progress: (no post yet)


          • Canuck147
            Canuck147 commented
            Editing a comment
            That's the whole idea - spread the cannabis - Dana Larsen has planted them everywhere.

          • Eigholte
            Eigholte commented
            Editing a comment
            Some of his ideas include locations like in front of city hall... not sure I have the cajones for that. But establishing a self-reproducing "feral" population may be more my speed...

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