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Soil grow, issues with leaves (my first grow)

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    HELP! Soil grow, issues with leaves (my first grow)

    Hello GWE community, I am currently doing an indoor soil grow: two northern lights auto plants (Nirvana Seeds). They where not started at the same time, one is in veg (5 weeks, 12 1/2'' tall and growing like an inch a day). The other is in flower (10 weeks, 30'' tall). However, since they are both autos I have them in the same tent. Both are under a 150w HPS light (1 light per plant) 18 hours on. I am using roots organic soil in 5 gal smart pots. And right now my plant in flower is showing multiple signs of either pH issues at the roots or other issues with nutes.

    1. Leaves are turning yellow mainly lower ones but some of the mild section is to.

    My best guess is a deficiency or nutrients are moving up the plant to finish flowering

    2. the top shoots have purplish stems

    My best guess: phosphorous deficient

    3. most recently: small brown spots developing in the mild of leaves

    my best guess: deficiency of a micronutrient

    4. Lastly, I have been having issues with leaf clawing for an about 3 weeks now. I did two flushes with a flushing solution (florakleen) to correct that.

    being that this is my first grow I have run into several issues. Such as learning how to pH water but I have been keeping the range of my water in 6.0 - 7.0 range. After some really bad grow advice I added 3 tbs of One Shot (Nectar for the Gods). That was one of the reasons I did two weeks of flushing. I did introduce Beastie Bloom to my flowering plant this past week (Tuesday) 1/8 tsp to 1/2 gal, nothing else has been added other than those two things. If anyone needs more info on my set up or anything else let me know.

    Hay there, if it were mine I’d add some cal mag to your feedings and watering 5 mg per gallon, or 1 teaspoon depending on your meshering? Device, sorry bout the spelling I’m a bit toasted but what I said will help darken your leaves😁 good luck


    • TheGoodFarmer
      TheGoodFarmer commented
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      lol ok ill look into cal mag thx

    Yeah, I'm a bit potted as well. Nothing like homegrown.
    Did I read 2 weeks of flushing?
    To flush a plant should only pour twice the amount of ph'd water through it one time. In your case that would have been 10 gallons poured through to 'flush' out your problem.
    So has that 2 week flush been recently? If so maybe they look a bit soggy.
    Last edited by Canuck147; 11-16-2018, 05:25 PM.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


    • TheGoodFarmer
      TheGoodFarmer commented
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      Yeah, I did one flush waited a week and did another waited a week then back to watering as usual. hopefully, I get to enjoy some homegrown when all is said and done.

    Potted is right about the cal-mag. Take a couple of gallons of water add a tsp. to each. You don't say what or how much you're using for nutrients, but add a 50% dose in with your cal-mag water. Then adjust Ph. Use the whole two gals. Then step away from the plant, just leave it alone for a week and see if she perks up. Wait What? I just reread, You're at 70 days with an auto? It's probably going into it's natural self destruct mode for harvest. Forget what I said and just water til harvest.


    • TheGoodFarmer
      TheGoodFarmer commented
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      I have only given 1/8 a tsp to 1/2 gal of FF Beastie Bloom, just started this past week. today I watered again today and used clean water pH 6.4 with photosynthesis Plus, oh yeah I forgot to mention I also give that every couple of waterings. But yeah I have a feeling it could just be a sign that its close to harvest time. But its more than just the bottom sets of leaves. Or does the location of the leaves not matter??

    Hey Farmer you need to show a pic of the whole plant, in natural light. And a half gal. is not enough water.


      PRIMO here are whole plant pics. Hope the lighting is good enough. If not I'll try again by a window. Anyway, how much water would you recommend? the flowering plant is 30'' tall. And the veg plant is 13'' (probably will be be 14'' be the end of the day).


        What soil are you using? Unless its super soil you water slowly to runoff. And some autos can run to 100 to 110 days. So I'd still say use nutrients unless its super soil or kind soil or something. But the top of the plant looks fine. Cant hurt to dose with cal/mag now or even some extra PandK


        • TheGoodFarmer
          TheGoodFarmer commented
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          Roots Organic Original blend (coco based). Which I know is not super soil. I have heard of kind soil, is it basically super soil? but yeah I will def keep up with the nutes and look for some cal/mag.

        TheGoodFarmer The pics are great, good light, I am not an auto grower but with photos in soil and 5 gal. s.p. I water evenly and slowly like red said. Using two gals. gives me about a quart of runoff. I would suggest getting a nutrient trio like fox farm offers and use at 50% strength with cal-mag to keep it simple. Also Ph your water after adding nutrients. Your taller plant has a way to go yet, you need to be patient until all the white hairs turn brown and curl into the bud. Then you'll know you're close. Read Nebulas tutorials on autos. And keep asking questions.


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