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Dilemma on number of seeds to sprout

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    Dilemma on number of seeds to sprout

    I'm about to embark on another journey, but I need help with a seed sprouting strategy.

    I am going with only 4 plants and they will be grown to around 3-4 feet tall, but probably towards the 3 foot area.

    I have 2 c99 seeds, 5 white widow seeds, 2 peyote critical seeds, and 3 mama mia seeds.

    These are the 4 strains i am growing and i can only have 4 plants.

    would you germ 2 seeds from each strain and discard the weaker plant? or would you just do 1 seed from each strain and see what happens?

    The only thing I worry about with the 1 seed from each strain strategy is that i might get a bad pheno, but i'm already limited on seeds so i could possibly get 2 bad phenos for the strains i have only 2 seeds for.

    Please help me determine what strategy to go with.

    Or you could get four bomb assed plants. Growing is a crap shoot anyway you play it so I'd go with one of each and cross my fingers. Think positive.


      If they’re feminized then grow 4 WW so you get some consistence in structure and nutrient needs. If they’re regular seeds then germinate at least 8 and pray for 4 females haha


        I have all fem seeds. My last run I did all one strain and i realized i wanted some variety. I didn't think i'd get bored with just one strain, but it happened. That's why i chose 4 strains for this round


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          Then it seems pretty obvious to me. Grow one of each that way you still have backup seeds of all strains

        Last time I did 4 plants they were 3 different strains and I only popped 4 seeds. All were perfect and I've taken clones off of each. They were nirvana. So in my opinion pop 4 and go with it. Because it sucks more than anything to have to kill a good plant.


        • PRIMO
          PRIMO commented
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          I did the same on my last grow,saved viable shoots inna water glass whilst defoliating. In my defense. I was drinking bud and smoking it at the time. Well I grew em out not knowing which was which. After a couple month long cure I had to do the sniff test with my labeled jars of stash to figure out who's who.

        • GreenhouseEffect
          GreenhouseEffect commented
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          I'd probably pop one of each as well. Another reason for doing that, is if your growing under lights, yield is determined basically by how well you fill up the area of good light saturation, not by plant count. So even if you had one or two duds, you would have more light and resources to put into the remaining plants, and grow them out to fill that space. Plus, you could still plant another seed or two, to replace duds, if you wanted.

        5seeds if all take leave weakest one in small pot off to the side of light area. prob still get an ounce


          You could pop just 4 and if one does not show strong early you could clone one of the stronger ones to make up the difference.


            I too would pop 4 seeds only (ok I'll be doing 6 which is my limit), now that it is legal here I want to learn to live within the law.


              Thanks for the suggestions everyone. 4 have been planted, lets see how long these take to sprout!


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