Hello there, so i dont know if anyone remembers a while back i pósted was having problems with my seedlings, but thanks to the users here was able to find a solution. Anywho Heres a doobiebird Daydream that's got like 3 months now and looks like Is close to harvest, i give Her a Little nitrgoen and a a fat tablespoon of honey with her water. The Honey definetly helped her crystals but could be more. It Is very hot where I'm at so i believe the sun has reduced her crystals, the parts that's reciever indirect sun have been More crystally then the other parts. Anywho i can't buy your foxfarm or what have you here .only general nutrients.
if there Is anything nute wise yall recmommend i have another one just entering flowering now, this plant to me looks like a week More and I'm harvesting what do yall think harvest ready?
if there Is anything nute wise yall recmommend i have another one just entering flowering now, this plant to me looks like a week More and I'm harvesting what do yall think harvest ready?