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Some questions about - Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

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    Some questions about - Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

    Planning my post harvest projects this early winter and have been watching & reading the How to Make Medical Cannabis Extract Oil on Nebula's web site. 3 questions to start.

    1) I can buy 100 proof generic vodka for $ 20.00 1/2 gallon or the same quantity of 151 proof EVERCLEAR for $ 40.00. Does the higher proof alcohol extract more benefit from the plant to warrant the extra expense or am I perfectly fine using 100 proof alcohol? I'm willing to spend the money for a measurable gain in benefit.

    2) How long can I stockpile the processed oil? Will syringes off RSO keep for months or years? Do they need to be refrigerated for longest term storage?

    3) If I wanted to make up an ointment what would you recommend as a relatively greaseless medium?

    Thanks for any advice or experience you care to share.


    The higher the prof, the less water to a point at 200 prof no water at all. And yes it stores best when frozen long term I’m not really the expert here hopefully she will chime in and help😎


    • Crow
      Crow commented
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      So - I spend the extra $ 20.00 to save some time at the stove? I wondered if that was the only trade off.

      Thanks for the reply.

    • Potted
      Potted commented
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      Much cleaner end product with the higher prof

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Crow A lower-proof alcohol is ok for tinctures, but it won't be quite as strong. The higher the proof, the more efficient the extraction.

    Calling alltatup to the plate. Oh wait that is a sports reference. Alltatup should be able to help you or tell you were to find the info. But yes spring for the everclear.


      shea butter seems like a good non greasy medium
      complete beginner
      39" x 39" x 78" tent
      315 Watt CMH
      4" Phat Filter w/ 4" Hurricane duct fan
      Automatic top feed into coco.
      Mega Crop nutes


        Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll keep watching.



          Everclear 190 proof is available in Kentucky and Nevada and if your more in these areas you can get it at 194 proof in Rhode Island and Texas. When I was younger, we used it to clean glassware in the chemistry lab. If your a stove top user, remember that it’s almost explosive and as it distills down to the last vapor typically flares up like one of those desserts in a James Bond movie. Scares the shit out of you but then settles down like cherries jubilee


            Hi Crow,

            1. As others said above, if you live where you can get a higher proof PGA (pure grain alcohol), the higher the proof the better. They sell it online, but I can't have it shipped to my stupid state, but fortunately they sell Everclear 190 proof here.

            2. FECO (full extract cannabis oil) shelf life: Rick Simson says it can last for years if properly stored.

            3. The Source by ExtractCraft is a fantastic machine for making FECO and concentrates: Firstly, since it's self-contained, very low temperature (stays around 100 degrees F to evaporate the alcohol), so you don't have to worry about blowing yourself up with alcohol fumes. Second, it recycles the alcohol to be re-used. Third, it preserves terpenes and cannabinoids better because of the consistent low temperature. The inner crucible, however, is somewhat small, so it would take various sessions to make lots of oil. But it's state of the art machinery and so much safer than cooking off alcohol.

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            Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

            Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
            2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
            Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


            • quirk
              quirk commented
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              alltatup- Are you going to hook up your Buchner to the vacuum port on the Source to filter?

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              quirk Preeeee cisely. I didn't understand how important it is to filter, filter, re-filter and re-re-filter in order to get a honey-like oil that I can "cure" on a silicone pad. I really want to be able to make a good vapeable concentrate.

            • quirk
              quirk commented
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              alltatup- You're way ahead of the power curve.

            Holy Smokes look at this thing !!!

            This is the NEW upgrade to the SOURCE machine as discussed by alltatup in post # 7. I will use the low tech approach for my first batches - low tech meaning - stove top.

            BUT if this RSO turns out to be as beneficial as I am hoping I won't hesitate to invest in one of these. I will also be cooking off some CHAGA so plenty of opportunity to get some good product.

            Thank you for the great info and leads.


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            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Crow As I'm sure you've already read, just make sure you have good air circulation to prevent those ethanol fumes from collecting. And you're using an electric stove, right? (No open flames). Just want to be sure my community members are safe.

            • Crow
              Crow commented
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              Yup & yup - thank you for your concern. I'll be cautious & prudent.

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Crow And you know to decarb the bud first, right? (Sorry for being such a jewish mother...)

            There is a video on youtubio where a guy from Australia reclaimed all of the Everclear and it was crystal clear when he was done. It may have been this machine. He also uses an magnetic stirrer to mix the “mash”. Great way to do it as a tincture maker


            • starramus
              starramus commented
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              Low tech would be Rick Simpson's original recipe. You can probably pick up a rice cooker at a thrift store for next to nothing. How much Everclear can you buy for $2000.00? hmmmm....

            • Crow
              Crow commented
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              No arguments from me that this unit is not something that you would buy to make a few little batches each year. The safety features, the reclaim and the fact that you could process 1 lb of dry product at a time could be compelling if you found yourself with pounds of product to reduce. Won't be me anytime soon - if EVER. Still - good to know it's out there.

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              I say that crock pots and rice cookers are so much less efficient that I would never mess with them. Heat is too variable, and there's nothing safer than a machine like the Source or the bigger one.

            first of all rick don't use ever clear and he never would looks like you guys don't know what your doing do your home work before you start asking


            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              Please elaborate, as I do not see on his site what solvent he is using. I know there are better solvents that 190 everclear (which is easy to get here),

            • D.A.A.S.69
              D.A.A.S.69 commented
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              NYX, by all means ,feel free to clue us in ,if you know how?

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              There are many ways to make FECO or full extract cannabis oil, which rso is. There's no need to insult people on this forum.

            This is from the Phoenix Tears web site - the FAQ about RSO, page - regarding the solvents Rick recommends:


            There are also many other solvents which could probably be used to perform an extraction effectively such as acetone, but the only solvents that I have direct experience with are ether, naphtha and 99% isopropyl alcohol, therefore I do not feel qualified to tell the public what other solvents they can use.

            The process I am about to describe, involves washing the starting material twice with a good solvent such aspure light aliphatic naphtha or 99% isopropyl alcohol etc. To effectively remove the available resin, which contains the medicinal cannabinoids from the plant material.

            Light naphtha has proven itself to be a very effective solvent to produce this oil and it is also quite cheap to purchase when compared to the cost of other solvents. This solvent is called light naphtha in Canada, and in Europe it is often called benzin(e) and it is sold as cleaning fluid or solvent in many hardware stores.

            In addition, naphtha is usually quite easy to locate in many countries, while other pure solvents that are well suited to preform extractions, can be very expensive and hard to find. Naphtha comes in different forms and under many different names and the temperatures at which they boil can vary a great deal, which is something that must be taken into consideration if one is to obtain the proper solvent. The naphtha which I preferred to use had a boiling point around 70 degrees C, which is about the same amount of heat required to bring 99% isopropyl alcohol to its boiling point.


            Any solvent that you intend to use should be colourless, the same as water and if you dip your finger into it, within about 40 seconds it should completely evaporate from your finger leaving no oily residue behind.

            Naphtha is sold under many names but if you go to a fuel supplier, you should not have too much trouble tracking some down, if you tell the supplier that you are looking for a solvent which has a boiling point around 70 degrees C. Light naphtha has many industrial uses, and it is often used to degrease engine parts or thin paints etc., so I’m sure you should not have too much trouble finding what you need. Just to give you an idea of its many uses, naphtha is the same substance used to fuel Coleman lamps and stoves. Unfortunately, rust inhibitors are added to Coleman fuel, so I do not recommend that this fuel be used to produce oil. But as I understand it, some companies actually do supply camping fuel with no additives, so this should work very well as a solvent to perform an oil extraction.

            There is also medical-grade naphtha (hexane) available in many countries in the world, but it is a bit more expensive and usually harder to get and I have not found any significant difference, between pure light naphtha and the medical grade version of this solvent.

            Butane can also produce oil, but I do not recommend its use as a solvent to produce this medication, since it is very volatile and would require the use of expensive equipment to neutralise the danger.

            In addition, using butane to perform an extraction does not decarboxylate the finished oil, because there is little or no heat used in this process. So oils produced in this manner would be less effective for medicinal use, unless the extra time is taken to decarboxylate the oil properly.

            And THEN ON THE TOPIC OF EVERCLEAR - (This certainly answers my opening question)


            Many people in the US and some other countries as well, are finding it quite hard to locate the pure solvents, which I recommend and some have turned to the use of substances such as everclear, which in its purest form is about 95% alcohol, but usually you will find that the remaining 5% is water.

            This makes everclear a less effective solvent due to its water content and at the end of the oil making process there will be quite a bit of water, which will have to be evaporated off before the oil is in a finished state. So if need be substances such as everclear can be used, but I much prefer to use the pure solvents that I have described. Many people have contacted me to ask if they could use such things as 151 proof alcohol as a solvent. But in my opinion trash such as this is not even fit for human consumption and I would never even think about using such a substance to produce the oil. (Crow comments - not that Naptha is ever fit for human consumption either. The point is, that there are much better solvents than EC but EC is better than just any old high proof alcohol.)

            Thank you very much to starramus for the excellent link!!!!

            Stay safe and healthy.

            Last edited by Crow; 10-29-2018, 06:54 AM.


              As for the cooking, Rick recommends using a RICE COOKER. I'd be interested to hear from you all what your experience has been using RCs for making RSO.
              Which brand/ model have you had good results using? I will likely upgrade to the SOURCE unit after proving to myself that the RSO is a quality health aid but in the
              first go round I will go for more inexpensive process, with all the proper precautions. Using a contemporary rice cooker might create some issues. Any comments?




              • Potted
                Potted commented
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                Why does it have to be dark? Alltatup

              • Crow
                Crow commented
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                I've lots to learn about the different ways. Thanks for opening some doors for me.

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                Potted You always want to prevent exposure to light and heat after harvest cuz it will degrade the chemicals.

              I just did an extraction with 190 everclear, I used trash as in the stems from buds, and a few water leaf. I read many methouds first and did this one;
              1) Decarb @ 375*F for 45 minutes in a glass jar, lid on snug not tight, dont want it to explode.
              2) Grind it, put that in a glass jar, poor in everclear, seal and shake well.
              3) Put it in the freezer for 5 days, taking out daily to shake well
              4) Filter into another container, I did take a shot at this point, slept well but, yuk!
              5) Let evaporate at room temp, yes it took days

              It was very dark by day 3, was most likely ready then
              The taste is horrible, but it does work, I dont think I will do this again, I will most likely try the dry ice method next.
              Not like the old school method that goes boom if you get it to hot,,,


              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                I should have said the EC was in the freezer, and nice and cold
                And yes I understand I used trash to experiment with, and will not get the best results, but I want to make the mistakes with trash rather than the pretty buds I like to smoke.
                IF I do this again I will make changes, like not using the fan leafs,,

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                Rwise I've tried various times to make a good tincture from trim, and it's never anywhere near as good as the bud tincture. So I've decided to stick with dry ice hash for the trim.

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                I will be trying the dry ice method also, it seems to be the cleanest,,,



              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                quirk I just ordered a buchner funnel kit so I can continue to filter after the rosin bags have done their job. I want to try to make some really clean concentrate.

              what I use is what rick used for salvent , I use a best value vac 1lb extractor with puretane gets what you need out of the plant and more, if your not doing it this way your doing it the wrong way I have ben doing this a long side with rick for 12 years and ben doing it for 25 years so I know what im doing . you can do what you want but this is the WAY


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