Today I chopped the sad lady. Almost every single leaf (and I'm not exaggerating either), almost 100% of all the leaves were black and crispy. Even the crowns and all the new growth as well, were black and dead.
I just didn't feel like having to fight with these issues every single day for the rest of the grow and flowering. I believe the soil was bad, and with my absent minded mistakes making it so much worse.
I've been ill for quite some time now, and I'm just starting to gather my strength again. So I can't have this extra source of stress and anxiety in my life. It felt really bad. Like a lighter version of the feeling you have when you have to put an animal down. Morbid to say the least.
Anyways.. I placed another seed between two sheets of paper towel 2 days ago, and it had developed a nice little tap root today after lunch.
So I mixed up some water, pH-down and BioWorm (finished product were about 6,5) and placed the seed in a tiny pot with Plagron Growmix, and a thin layer of Leca (expanded clay balls, washed and all) in the bottom of the pot.
My first thought were that this soil would be too hot. But after a quick search on this forum I found this guy, who actually grew weed from seed inside a night stand with 3-4 x 34W CFL bulbs (super low budget stuff), and he used Plagron Growmix from day one. And the plant looked amazing all the way! He didn't totally finish his log, but the last few pictures looked absolutely amazing for such a simple and cheap setup.
So I just went for it. The soils had about 1 - 1,5 EC, and is perfectly mixed with sand and Perlite. Smells perfect and just looks like a quality product. So I'm looking forward to this.
And I've learned my lesson; don't grow weed if you're not 100% invested in the project. Then you'll just have a bad time/bad harvest.
The problem now is that I'm running out of seeds. So I'll have to order some new ones soon.
I have som BTC, so I only need to figure out what strain I'm buying. But I'll make a new thread about this, so you guys can participate there.
Thanks for all the help!
- C
I just didn't feel like having to fight with these issues every single day for the rest of the grow and flowering. I believe the soil was bad, and with my absent minded mistakes making it so much worse.
I've been ill for quite some time now, and I'm just starting to gather my strength again. So I can't have this extra source of stress and anxiety in my life. It felt really bad. Like a lighter version of the feeling you have when you have to put an animal down. Morbid to say the least.
Anyways.. I placed another seed between two sheets of paper towel 2 days ago, and it had developed a nice little tap root today after lunch.
So I mixed up some water, pH-down and BioWorm (finished product were about 6,5) and placed the seed in a tiny pot with Plagron Growmix, and a thin layer of Leca (expanded clay balls, washed and all) in the bottom of the pot.
My first thought were that this soil would be too hot. But after a quick search on this forum I found this guy, who actually grew weed from seed inside a night stand with 3-4 x 34W CFL bulbs (super low budget stuff), and he used Plagron Growmix from day one. And the plant looked amazing all the way! He didn't totally finish his log, but the last few pictures looked absolutely amazing for such a simple and cheap setup.
So I just went for it. The soils had about 1 - 1,5 EC, and is perfectly mixed with sand and Perlite. Smells perfect and just looks like a quality product. So I'm looking forward to this.
And I've learned my lesson; don't grow weed if you're not 100% invested in the project. Then you'll just have a bad time/bad harvest.
The problem now is that I'm running out of seeds. So I'll have to order some new ones soon.
I have som BTC, so I only need to figure out what strain I'm buying. But I'll make a new thread about this, so you guys can participate there.
Thanks for all the help!
- C