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"Cannabis Act" - Canada's

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    "Cannabis Act" - Canada's

    Less than a week now.
    Wonder how many fellow Canadians - or interested followers - have had a look at our new acts with laws.

    I have perused it from start to finish - doesn't mean I read it all - 30 years of familiarity in reading government rules and regulations.
    75% of this new act is all geared towards the commercial aspect of getting permits and HOW you can sell. Labeling is a big thing - nothing to entice preteens.

    Parts I did read was on cultivation.

    Basically says for growers that one can only have 4 plants growing at one time.
    Not sure where the rules are on the size - I didn't see any. Maybe that part is left up to Provincial legislation.

    Its does say plants can not be visible from a road.

    I can't find where it might restrict a person on how many plants per year. I just read 4 plants growing at one time. I can do that easy 3 times a year - I'm doing it now, on my third grow of 4 plants this year.

    It does say 4 plants per household - not 4 plants each person.

    One can purchase up to 30 grams each purchase and can only walk around with 30 grams or less in your pocket.

    Not sure where it says how much a person growing can store at one time.

    It will be interesting cuz every level of government wants their hand in the 'pot'.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan

    Kinda same here in Vermont usa. 2 mature plants and 4 immature at 1 time. Very vague on how much u can store but can have a full oz on ur person. Basically for personal use which is great. I'm sticking with the rules for now no need to push things. 2 plants every harvest every 8 to 10 weeks works for me


      So New Mexico has an awesome law being put forward for Rec, it states for growers 6 mature 6 immature and 2 oz visible, all other cannabis must be out of ordinary sight
      Grow and good luck
      Current grow:

      past grows:


        Canuck, those sound like decent regulations even if they don't entirely make sense: the 4 plants rule is prolly to try to prevent folks from selling home grown... Which I hope never happens. OUTLAWS WILL ALWAYS DE-REGULATE BUD.
        Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

        Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
        2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
        Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


          Congratulations , y'all are very lucky, even if you can only grow 1 plant legally.
          Mississippi is still sucking hind tit on MJ.laws.
          They will put your butt, in prison down here. Very quick.
          Cfls for a week or two
          315lec for everything else
          Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
          36x36x63 inch tent.
          6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
          Smart pots


            Missouri isnt much better D.A.A.S.69 , i know how you feel!
            Call a plant beautiful, and it becomes a flower. Call it ugly, and it becomes a weed."

            -Jonathan Lockwood Huie-


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              SinsemillaScientist Take me with you!!! And build me a tiny house with a large grow room. ;-}

            • SinsemillaScientist
              SinsemillaScientist commented
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              alltatup I so would, you're such a strong spirtiual energy! And it's funny you mention tiny home, because thats the plans I have as well haha!! found the twenty acres i want ,and all in the process now of getting the loan sorted and what not, im sad to leave all of my family and friends but me n mine know its for whats in our best interests, and are podunky town hates homosexuals but thats a whole other bridge to cross lol.

            • D.A.A.S.69
              D.A.A.S.69 commented
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              SinsemillaScientist, I want to move to Oregon too, we have got friends from Ms.
              That moved to Bend, Oregon, and love it out there.
              Have fun.

            Canuck147 I have tried to go through it a couple times (skimming), either I haven't been medicated enough or I have been too medicated 😁 because not much is sticking in my head , except the basics;

            4 plants per household (still haven't figured out, if as a registered medicinal grower, I can also grow the 4 recreational plants, going to assume yes - since its my 'household' 😁)
            secure grow room/space
            not visible
            I didn't find stash size either
            I believe they took the height restrictions off - it was going to be 1 meter
            1 oz carry limit


              I think it's a great thing and congratulations Canada.

              Seems like some pretty good Don't Ask Don't Tell guidelines that are geared more to the commercialization of cannabis for the taxes.
              Canuck147 You may not want a definition, I have one and it is ass backward.

              you can either go to a provider or be a self provider not both. Bet you can't guess which one I do

              4 seedling 12" or less plant
              4 mature more then 12"
              30 Sq foot canopy max per plant.

              Sounds promising so far, right!

              but only allowed to have one usable ounce at a time.

              This however providers only have to follow the plant rule per patient and a patient is not limited by a provider on how many times they can stop in.

              watching with Envy,
              Sincerely America.

              Space for Rent.


              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
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                30 Sq foot canopy max per plant.
                Wouldn't that be a beautiful scrog? 1 giant plant in a 5×6

                only allowed to have one usable ounce at a time.
                Sort of reminds me of Genie from Aladdin "PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS! Itty bitty living space! "

              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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                It would be eye candy! the average sized guest bedroom as the canopy of 4 plants, but you have to throw away all but 1oz. Who writes these laws. The last time I grew under one oz on one plant, I put a clone that was 2 weeks rooted in the flowering with her big sister and 10 weeks later I had 15 grams.
                "Itty bitty living space" 😂 I miss Robin Williams.

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                I say it's cuz they don't want any outlaw sellers. And I say the home grown bud is always gonna be better than the "licensed" sellers: it's gonna have all the heart and soul.

              Massachusetts allows 6 plants per adult per household 12 plant maximum.


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                So you have to hide the other adults in the basement?

              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
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                Tee hee

              Thanks for all your great comments - keep em coming.

              Here's a kicker - they want all households that plan on cultivating 4 plants to register with the proper authorities. And then that household is allowed to purchase 4 seeds from a provincial or federal seed dispensary. I see where they are going with this and I say FUCK THAT!Because all they are going to offer are regular seeds.

              I'll grow the 4 plants at one time that I want.

              And I'll do it 3 times a year like this year.
              ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
              Mars Hydro
              Vortex in-line 6" fan


              • Farmall
                Farmall commented
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                Just like the pills they handed out in ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”....

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                I'd grow 8 plants: what are they gonna do to you; how are they gonna know; who the fk cares what you do in the privacy of your own home.

              I read today that each household can have 1000 grams stored. 5 grams of fresh wet weed will be equal to 1 gram of dried ready to smoke. 30 grams on your person at any time (an o.z plus a fatty is pretty decent I think) allowed to smoke pretty much anywhere you can smoke a cigarette. I'm counting down the days! One thing in having troubles finding is if we'll be allowed to mail it to people.
              I used to do drugs... I still do, but I used to too!
              *Mitch Hedburg*

              Pot is a plant, it grows in the ground.
              If god didn't want it, it wouldn't be around.
              So all you mother fuckers who haven't got high,
              shut the fuck up, and give it a try!


                Canuck147, You mean to say, that the law comes out to your house, and checks to see if you are legal ?
                I'd just as soon stay an outlaw.
                Cfls for a week or two
                315lec for everything else
                Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
                36x36x63 inch tent.
                6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
                Smart pots


                • alltatup
                  alltatup commented
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                  LurkingInTheGrass I'd take Canada any day over US. I tried to get a job in Canada around 6 years ago. Yes, I agree, the greed is regulating everything a bit too much, but bureaucracies exist for making stupid ass laws.

                • LurkingInTheGrass
                  LurkingInTheGrass commented
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                  we havent cornered the market on greed or stupid a$$ laws

                  Plenty of that to spread around 😁

                • alltatup
                  alltatup commented
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                  LurkingInTheGrass No, of course you guys haven't. The US did it.

                It’s easy to see that once $$$$$ enters into it... all rational plans go bye bye.


                  I never thought that I would live and work in a place, contribute to the betterment of the community, raise my family and when I get to retire,( IF), I will not be able to stay in that community due to so many out of control costs,taxes, and now.... my personal freedoms. I will probably need to move to a state that allows us to enjoy the little we will have left to really enjoy unencumbered ... it’s a little disturbing. My dad would always say, “we live in 50 different countries, not 1 United States. When you cross a state border, you face a completely different set of rules and laws”


                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
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                    Farmall, Are you saying that your wife doesn't want to leave where you're at and leave the family, grandkids etc? You got 17 acres where you are now.... That's a sweet thing.

                    And yes, when we get into our 60s (mid for me), we have a long perspective on history and how our culture has changed over the past 40 or so years. I try not to sound like an old fart when I complain about students who can't read books anymore cuz they're too busy texting; my only real concern is for the planet right now....

                  • Farmall
                    Farmall commented
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                    Alltatup, trying to respond to your other message and I’ll figure it out ....had to make a few changes after writing it all up disappeared

                    As for my wife, YEP.... but understand ..she was from a remarkably rural area and a population of so few people. She was accustomed to this environment. We moved away to be able to make some money and not fall back into farming ( haha), the hard work farming ! The traps we make for ourselves are not fully realized at the time. But the job and mortgage starts it and shortly the babies come in and schools and their friends. I was dead against moving once the kids started school coming from a family that moved so much. I went to many elementary schools and high schools in 4 different states so almost every few years I was the new kid... (sucks!!) so you blink your eyes and the kids are gone 10 years, things are not conducive to changes so another 10 years pass and suddenly, it’s today.

                    Our rural quiet spot is complaints but once you go out to the road BAM... you’re in the mix and it has changed. Of course change is not my thing. I admire your quest to help save and change the earth. THAT is a bigger job than any of my quirks. I wonder how we begin to measure any positive changes in the short term that feed our human need to see any progress in our work. As for culture change, I was 16 when Woodstock was happening. Didn’t go but I have noted a few things on culture change

                    Shit, this is some giant soapbox I need a ladder to climb down from

                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
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                    Farmall, you're not on a soapbox: just talking about realities. And you and your wife are contemplating some big changes: neither decision--to stay or go--will be perfect, but when you move to OR, I sure hope she loves it there.

                  Hahaha....she ain’t movin’ I can nearly promise that. Me, I’m already outta here. But unless she decides that the Roloff farm is appealing, not happening and she grew up in that kind of environment


                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
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                    I wish you both happiness and serenity. ;-}

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