Since I got bit by the bug I can't stop growing different strains and is apparent that I will have a surplus that needs to be stored long-term so I decided to guinea pig an ounce of NorthernLights that has already been cured. Supposedly you can go several years and still keep the better part of the potency.
My first test was to remove all the air & humidity from a mason jar which worked well, then I decide to boil water at room temperature which it easily did with my oversized vacuum pump, then lastly I removed all the air from my already cured jar leaving just enough to maintain 62% humidity.
Anybody else ever use the much simpler store-bought vacuum systems?
My first test was to remove all the air & humidity from a mason jar which worked well, then I decide to boil water at room temperature which it easily did with my oversized vacuum pump, then lastly I removed all the air from my already cured jar leaving just enough to maintain 62% humidity.
Anybody else ever use the much simpler store-bought vacuum systems?