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Various Plant Problems in Various Plants

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    HELP! Various Plant Problems in Various Plants

    Hello, fellow growers!!
    I am having a few problems with my plants. They are about 7 weeks old, they are being grown in a mix of fertilized coco and normal dirt. They are in 18/6 photo period and once every few days I complement their growth with TOPVEG: Deep rotting fetilizer. In the picture named "Abnormal Growth" There seems to be little craters on the leaves, at the same time, new growth appears deformed and lacking normal leave structure. My guess is an abundance of some essential mineral. In the pictures tagged "insect" is a little guy I found in the underside of the new growth after I topped my plants. My guess is between aphids and Thrips, they havent colonized the plant yet but they also have not subsided in the last 2 weeks. The Picture tagged "Little Curling" is as the picture states a little upward claw on a few leaves. Lastly, the yellos spots. Maybe Im just being overprotective but I dont know what could cause yellow spots in that shape.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this and viewing the pictures. Please help me learn more about these beautiful plants.
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    The bugs look like aphids too me, you should get some Spinosad to get rid of them.
    one of your biggest problems is you need bigger pots and better soil, your plants are probably rootbound can I ask what your pH is of the water you give them?
    what kind of "fertilized" soil did you add to the Coco?
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