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Prayin for some balls. I wanna be the man!

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    Prayin for some balls. I wanna be the man!

    I am trying to grow balls on one of my females. It's a White Russian, and I do want some of those much sought after seeds. I "built" a a colloidal silver generator. My design utilizes a full gallon of distilled water. For the top I use a two hole laboratory stopper. The silver electrodes fit through the holes thus being insulated from each other. They are simply held in place by the alligator clips. To be on the safe side I also purchased some certified colloidal silver from Amazon. With any luck I will soon have some balls. I am using one of my ubiquitous obsolete AC adapters for the power supply. 12 VDC 300 milliampere. Thanks to Nebula, and PhenoMenal for the instructions.
    Last edited by starramus; 09-03-2018, 11:12 AM. Reason: i toopid

    Just my opinion, but your CS will be made much faster if you make less at one time..IE: Use a QT sized GLASS mason jar with Distilled water.
    Sorry pics are out of order..


      I am not so much worried about the volume, but the plastic container the distilled water comes in. There could be a reaction of some sort or other. I am going to switch out to a Pyrex laboratory boiling flask that I have in a number of different sizes.


        To avoid the possibility of plastic contaminants I will use this configuration for my next batch.


        • Juicyj89
          Juicyj89 commented
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          Lol what??

        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          I tried to post "yup", but the site requires a certain number of letters in a post so i posted yes sir, yes sir, yes sir sort of.

        • Juicyj89
          Juicyj89 commented
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        Subbed, very interested, more interested after reading through the links



          I tried to do that not too long ago, mine ended up just growing buds, but things I learned( That you may already Know): start spraying BEFORE they flower, and also use actual colloidal silver, not the new version health food stores are selling now!

          Want to see somebody do that without screwin it up like I did! Best of luck Starramus!
          Organic Soil,
          with molasses,
          In a Greenhouse with,
          Redneck engineering.


            I followed the directions here, but added some of my own to the mix..Sprayed 40ppm CS X one time per day at the flip..then 2x per day if I say new white pistils..Thin k the magic came when I stopped spraying as the sacs began to open (not before!)..As it was..there was very little pollen, but more than enough for my needs..(20 fems from one..11 fems from another, and only 1 fem seed from the 3rd one pollinated..(WTF..LOL)


              Originally posted by GreenhouseEffect View Post
              I tried to do that not too long ago, mine ended up just growing buds, but things I learned( That you may already Know): start spraying BEFORE they flower, and also use actual colloidal silver, not the new version health food stores are selling now!

              Want to see somebody do that without screwin it up like I did! Best of luck Starramus!
              In PhenoMenal's thread he puts forward, "In the past it has been recommended that you start spraying two weeks before going into 12/12 flowering, and continue spraying until you see pollen develop. This is still the recommended way. However, we now know that it isn't necessary to spray so early. I applied colloidal silver to a female that had been flowering for over 4 weeks, and I only sprayed for 10 days, but still ended up with a plant full of pollen".

              My grow presently is outdoors so I have no 12/12 demarcation point. Counting back from a harvest time of mid to late October for White Russian I should be in the ball park. Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully in a short while I will be able to joyfully exclaim, "I've got balls"!


                "In PhenoMenal's thread he puts forward, "In the past it has been recommended that you start spraying two weeks before going into 12/12 flowering, and continue spraying until you see pollen develop. This is still the recommended way. However, we now know that it isn't necessary to spray so early. I applied colloidal silver to a female that had been flowering for over 4 weeks, and I only sprayed for 10 days, but still ended up with a plant full of pollen".

                My grow presently is outdoors so I have no 12/12 demarcation point. Counting back from a harvest time of mid to late October for White Russian I should be in the ball park. Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully in a short while I will be able to joyfully exclaim, "I've got balls"!"
                ================================================== =============================================
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Penis Top Gun.gif
Views:	197
Size:	1.26 MB
ID:	244850
                Last edited by Buzzer777; 09-04-2018, 06:57 AM. Reason: trying to add a pic


                  Yes at this point it is a race against time. However I do have a back up plan. In last year's grow I had a couple of plants pollinated. I had all females, and no hermies. There are some big commercial grows in the vicinity, but miles away. Maybe a closer neighbor has a grow going, but I don't know. Wind blown pollination is the usual for cannabis, but I am sure insect pollination does happen. That is what I am guessing. Anyhow I had some seeds, and planted a few. One of the seeds resulted in a male that I didn't kill, but planted up the road in a grove of trees. He's a skinny midget, but I will accept a sperm donation if worst comes to worst. The plant has numerous pollen sacks with no flowers so he is a full fledged male. As for genetics his mother was a Jack Herer, but of course the other half of his genetics is a big unkown. I f I don't get my much hoped for balls I will pollinate the colloidal silver treated plant with that pollen. Since you can't use the treated plant for smoking it will at least bear some fruit in seeds, and will not be a complete loss. Three quarters of the genetics will be a known with only the added mystery of 1/4. What would you call this strain White Jack X?


                  • IslandColas
                    IslandColas commented
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                    You can smoke half and spray half. As long as you take proper precautions to prevent overspray, you can spray on only the buds you want to grow balls and seed up.

                  • starramus
                    starramus commented
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                    Yes I know, but I've drenched the whole plant. I wouldn't want to take the chance of smoking the ionic silver. Earlier today I saw a lady bug with a silver exoskeleton, and I'm not high.

                  Originally posted by starramus View Post
                  Yes at this point it is a race against time. However I do have a back up plan. In last year's grow I had a couple of plants pollinated. I had all females, and no hermies. There are some big commercial grows in the vicinity, but miles away. Maybe a closer neighbor has a grow going, but I don't know. Wind blown pollination is the usual for cannabis, but I am sure insect pollination does happen. That is what I am guessing. Anyhow I had some seeds, and planted a few. One of the seeds resulted in a male that I didn't kill, but planted up the road in a grove of trees. He's a skinny midget, but I will accept a sperm donation if worst comes to worst. The plant has numerous pollen sacks with no flowers so he is a full fledged male. As for genetics his mother was a Jack Herer, but of course the other half of his genetics is a big unkown. I f I don't get my much hoped for balls I will pollinate the colloidal silver treated plant with that pollen. Since you can't use the treated plant for smoking it will at least bear some fruit in seeds, and will not be a complete loss. Three quarters of the genetics will be a known with only the added mystery of 1/4. What would you call this strain White Jack X?
                  Maybe Jack x WTF..(as in AlaskaThunderFuck)..LMAO (just kidding)


                    Will post a photo of my back up man tomorrow. He's a little person (not a dwarf or midget), but he will furnish me my much needed pollen if my colloidal silver applications do not work. I saved his life by not consigning him to the dumpster upon discovery of his gender. So he owes me for his preservation. I am undecided on naming him, either Little Oscar the protagonist in the Grass novel "The Tin Drum", or maybe even Jeff Sessions because of his diminutive stature. That stature belies his masculinity because this little guys got lotsa balls. I know you wait with bated breath.


                    • starramus
                      starramus commented
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                      Have you seen the Blueberry Help thread? Those are some nice balls. I could really use them.

                    • GreenhouseEffect
                      GreenhouseEffect commented
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                      Yup! Who the heck clones a male, and then sells them to people? Sick and Wrong, though I wouldn't mind having a couple of those right now either. Bubble Gun X Blueberry could be good!!

                    • starramus
                      starramus commented
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                      I was thinking the same thing about Blue Russian. The logistics might present a problem though.

                    I brewed a super concentrated dose of colloidal silver last night. The tailings looked kind of scary. I drenched the subject at hand sopping wet this AM. I hope something gives. If it doesn't I can only blame my silver electrodes, or the bottled colloidal silver I have used up.


                    • starramus
                      starramus commented
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                      Fuck this. I gotta get on the treadmill, stationary bike, rowing machine, and weight bench. I'm gonna live forever!

                    Of course I do not have any pollen yet, but looks like numerous sites for pollen sacs are forming. I have decided to continue spraying, but only in the evening. Apparently colloidal silver degrades in light so I want to give the plant plenty of time to absorb over night. Never give up never surrender!


                      Originally posted by GreenhouseEffect View Post
                      I tried to do that not too long ago, mine ended up just growing buds, but things I learned( That you may already Know): start spraying BEFORE they flower, and also use actual colloidal silver, not the new version health food stores are selling now!

                      Want to see somebody do that without screwin it up like I did! Best of luck Starramus!
                      What exactly did you use? Did you build a generator? If so did an assay certificate come with the silver electrodes? Which company did you buy from? You really should determine what caused the failure to avoid repeating it next time.


                      • starramus
                        starramus commented
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                        Still sprayin, and prayin.

                      • GreenhouseEffect
                        GreenhouseEffect commented
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                        I have some pretty good ideas why it failed. I did not start spraying the first plant until it was already flowering( had planned to make it herm by messing with light cycle, that didn't work).
                        Then I could not get actual colloidal silver at the health food store, all they had was this other stuff, think it was "Ionic Silver", so used that until I could get a silver generator shipped. I am pretty sure that that the generator was fine, and the silver wires did have a certificate. I used to make a lot of colloidal silver when I was a kid, and we drank a ton of the stuff.
                        On a side note, I'm really not so convinced of the notion that colloidal silver is poison. We drank a ton of it growing up, and all six of us kids, and mom and pop, are all still hear. All still fairly healthy people. I am by no means an expert on the subject though, But don't really trust anything the FDA say's, either....

                      • starramus
                        starramus commented
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                        Colloidal Silver, and ionic silver are the same thing. Just different nomenclature. According to that thread I linked to previously PhenoMenal stated that he got pollen after starting 4 weeks into bloom. How far into bloom were you?

                        Drinking that much colloidal silver you must be a member of the Blue Man Group. Just joking. It has been reported that excessive intake of CS will give your skin a blue cast.
                        Last edited by starramus; 09-15-2018, 01:19 AM.

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