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Coming along nicely, I think

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    Coming along nicely, I think

    Week 5 of flower, and things are humming along...yeah, she's really unruly and I've just been tying things down/exposing bud sites as best I can. Not terribly concerned with yield as this is my first try and I know I screwed a lot of stuff up. I've been using Recharge and I do think it helped. I'm still seeing some random purple stems with spotty leaves; I thought I'd fixed that and am not entirely sure what the issue is (those stems come off very easily). RH is still a bit of a fight at 54% lights-on; I do have a small tank dehumidifier but can't exactly fit it inside the tent (roomie doesn't want anything electrical on the floor inside). It's plugged in right outside, and we'll see what happens. I have two silica-bead pouches hanging in the tent; they don't seem to do a hell of a lot...but this whole grow has pretty much been "holyshit I didn't realize THAT was gonna be such a problem" (ironing out the kinks for next time). We're pleasantly surprised things have gotten this far. Very little odor; I only get something if I'm trimming leaves and then it's citrusy-peppery. I still don't know what strain this is...

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    And I got a nice ending to a pretty weird day (my department has a 'team lead' who came from a different department with far less autonomy, she's used to telling people what to do and we all feel her micromanaging antics result in the team as a whole being far less efficient than we usually are). Got home and there was a little package waiting on my Seedsman order
    ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

    CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

    "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."

    Pretty damn awesome for your first grow. You should be proud.


      Oh, I am. Got off to a really rocky start--and inadvertently sacrificed a couple plants along the way--but I'm kinda glad I took my time to figure everything out before flipping the switch. So stoked that a random bagseed turned out to be a girl! I've learned/am learning a hell of a lot. I wish I knew what I have...will figure that out soon enough I guess (I did find a few flowering-stage pics of Colombia Gold and they look very similar to mine).
      ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

      CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

      "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


        Week 7 now (I'm only counting weeks in flower as this girl was in veg for WAY too long). Some buds look closer than others (the last closeup pic is about an inch from the soil level--I'm surprised those buds are even developing). Temps are between 68-73F; RH is around 50-55 (methinks the Damprid wasn't the greatest idea) I have a dehumidifier but not enough outlets but I also have air movement in the tent, so I hope I'm OK. I cut off a few popcorn buds near the soil line that were getting soaked during watering--and that's how I realized I really should wear gloves when working with her (sticky). There's very little odor; occasionally I can get a very faint whiff of cannabis in the front hall (opposite end of the apartment) when I come home from work but otherwise there's almost no smell unless I stick my head in the tent.

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        ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

        CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

        "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


          Wow WeirdWiredWolf Looks great - should fatten up nicely.
          ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
          Mars Hydro
          Vortex in-line 6" fan


            I like the 2nd picture. That will be a fat bud. Nice grow WWW


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