I have started growing hydroponically (first grow). Plant is now 3-4 weeks old(about 6" or so) and has barely started the second set of leaves. i have a make shift reflector bin to eleminate light during light cycles(18-6).Temps between 70 and 75. Ph 5.9, humidity I cant get above 42-51(trying to find a humidifier that will fit inside my 2×2×4 tent with everything else. I have a 60 led light( my 500w led is coming this week), running rocket nutes on moderate strength in a 2 gallon dwc. I was just wondering if the delay in growth is due to the humidity. Maybe I'm just over thinking the timing it'll take. Can and will update with pictures if needed. Color of the plant is fine no canoeing, discoloration, sagging leaves. I did have to tie it to a small stake to stand.
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Plant growing at a snail's pace