I’m starting to get into the processing of my trim and bud. I purchased The Source Turbo and that’s great for small batch’s and tinctures. I’m kind of a nerd and wanna do the short path distillation. I would be doing alcohol extraction(195proof everclear). With the source I decarb my stuff 1 oz at a time. 230 degrees for 30min. With alcohol extraction, and short path, do I need to decarb since the cannabis is heated to the required temps during the short path process. As I start purchasing equip, I want to make sure I’m doing it right, if anyone has a YouTube link or a site that explains entire process, from harvest to short path to even adding back in terrines that would be great. As I’m looking for equipment ideas and setups but as far as process, I’m very familiar with the short path equipment and science. Any help would be great.
Regards JJ
Regards JJ