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Self polinating marijuana plant

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    Self polinating marijuana plant

    hi . i have question
    if we have 2 Clones from 1 Single (superStrain)
    and Trying to polinate one of them with using collodial silver for sexing with other one ? what is future results ? can this seeds apear Exactly as mother-father plants?
    can seeds have genetics problems?

    You could even take it a step further and force a plant to herm and pollinate itself. This is known as selfing.

    In either scenario, the plants would have no male genes. The seeds would be feminized, and you're still subject to dominate/recessive trait rules. These would also be no good for trying to breed with since the male code is missing. Serious genetic issues could arise if you try to breed with them.


      tnx royal nugs . i think just like u , it can cause genetic issues . but how can breed with Already Preduced Seeds from famous seed banks and crossing between genetics to create [your own] Strain . ? i want to Cross between Ghost-Train-haze x Critical Kush and recieve uniform Seeds


        Just buy regular seeds. You will have males and females then, obviously. Check out Nebulas breeding article if you haven't already.

        Have you ever wanted to breed your own strains? This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to get started breeding like the pros!


          Originally posted by Royal Nugs View Post
          Just buy regular seeds. You will have males and females then, obviously. Check out Nebulas breeding article if you haven't already.
          but by regular seeds cant create femenised seed .. my Goal is Creating new Genetic With Femenised Seeds


            I will give my 2 cents here as I have actually done some simple breeding. By using the colloidal silver method you will create feminized seeds. No y chromosome available.

            As far as your genetics are concerned you can look at it this way. If you bred two pure breed dogs you are certain of what you are getting. Throw in a mixed breed and lots of things can happen. Same with cannabis. Land race strains are like pure bred dogs. Breed the same land race you get consistent results due to hundreds of years of homogenizing.

            If I understand you correctly you have a hybrid strain that will have a lot of variance in its potential. It takes breeders several generations to create decent consistency in a new hybrid strain. Since you have 2 clones of the same plant I would suspect you would get fairly consistent results if the mother plant is of stable genetics.

            You mentioned wanting to cross with other strains and this is where the mixed breed dog comes in. To get a consistent strain would require extreme effort for the home grower. Not saying it can't be done but you really have to long term plan it out. My advice, use the best genetics you can find and have fun with the results. Currently, I have about 250 seeds from 9 different plants that i have crossed. I am just now getting to grow one out and very excited to see what I get!

            Good luck with your endeavors!


              Originally posted by Peace khalifa View Post

              but by regular seeds cant create femenised seed .. my Goal is Creating new Genetic With Femenised Seeds
              Quite an ambitious goal. But doable.

              I would still recommend using regular seeds for any breeding project. If you crossed 2 feminized plants, you will eventually have problems. You are missing all the male code which leads to incomplete code which leads to mutations. Most undesirable.

              What I recommend would be to get regular seeds for the two strains you're trying to cross. You need a female of each strain, then force one of the females to herm and pollenate the other female.

              It would be a lot of work.

              Good luck!


                Only way I can see to do what you want is to buy regular seeds of both strains, get some male and female plants from each, cross until you get a stable female plant you like, do the colloidal silver thing, and presto, there's your newly feminized seed. Ghost Train Haze x Critical Kush would be a great plant. My guess is the big time breeders will beat you to the punch. Good luck with your breeding. BTW...don't smoke any bud from any part of any plant that has been sprayed with colloidal silver. I have heard people say that if you only silver one bud or one limb on a plant you can smoke the rest of it. I would not do that myself. FWIW.
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