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Idk what these bugs are please help

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    Idk what these bugs are please help

    Hey guys im doing my 1st grow.. im growing autoflowers on day 35.. started to flower.. A few weeks now ive had these bugs, so i get lady bugs and im still seeing them mainly on the top of the soil the lady bugs seemed to eat most in the leafs.. idk what these bugs are since my leafs dont really look damaged and everything is growing great.. Just some holes here and there in the leafs but could be from lady bugs? Someone said springtails or aphids..? I need these bugs gone before The buds come in. Please help with identify and how to get rid of them! Thanks everyone

    Looks like aphids to me.
    Learn how to identify and get rid of aphids (aka greenflies /blackflies) and prevent them from ever attacking your cannabis again!

    Wise man say."Always someone who know more."


      They look like juvenile Thrips to me. KILL them quickly! They can do a great amount of damage in a short amount of time.
      Good luck.
      Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


        Sm90 and neem oil with some natural mint soap works for most pests. I use it for the first month or so at the beginning and it keeps them away for the rest of the grow.
        If you already have them, the same mix every couple of days on top and under every leaf for at least 3 weeks. I spray the top of the soil too. Thats where they start out usually. Prevention is easier than getting rid of those bastards. But you can do it. Also check out Dead Bug Brew, I hear great things about this stuff.

        Good luck. Some growers have dealt with bugs and some will. Lol
        "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

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