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Is this website GMT

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    Is this website GMT

    Is this website GMT?

    I think it might be by default, but you can change it to your time zone in your personal settings.

    I hope I got "GMT" correct


    • DoctorJohnson
      DoctorJohnson commented
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      UTC :P

      quirk must be a Brit or at least a BBC listener. They're only ones who still say GMT (well them and old people).

    • Campesino
      Campesino commented
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      1. Click on your screen name in upper banner bar
      2. choose "User Settings"
      3. it defaults to the "Profile" Tab - Select the "Account" tab
      4. Scroll down and change your time zone.

      Bonus: That is also where you can add a signature

    • quirk
      quirk commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you Campesino. Followed instructions and I'm squared away.

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