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Removing Large Fan Leaves

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    Removing Large Fan Leaves

    6 Indica plants just over 2 wks old have extremely large fans leaves blocking all growth underneath. In lieu of removing entire leaf, can I just remove certain fronds that are blocking light? Adverse effects at this stage? Plants already have 5 nodes. How early is too early to open them up a little? They’re under a 1000 watt HPS in a 4x4 area. Using FoxFarm nutes and Ocean Forest soil

    Those leaves are not just blocking light but harvesting it as well, i am completely against defoliation which you can read about in my article on the subject. However if you are inclined to remove leaves, i would not attempt until much later in age.
    Written Articles:
    Light Metric Systems
    Using Light Efficiently
    The Light Cycle Debate
    Environment Conditions
    Grow Light Technologies
    How To Compare Grow Lights
    To Defoliate Or Not To Defoliate
    Having A Light Source Too Close

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      I do some amount of leaf pruning, but I whole heartedly agree with what Dan said, the plant needs those leaves right now. They are gathering lots of energy from the sun, and your plant really needs that right now.
      If you decide to do some defoliation, check out the tutorial Nebula has on it, but it won't be till the flowering switch.
      Organic Soil,
      with molasses,
      In a Greenhouse with,
      Redneck engineering.


        Defol @ 2 wks? Uh uh.


          What is your plan for training? That’s going to make a little difference. I defoliated pretty heavy in veg my last grow with good success, and started about the point you are at. But I had a plan as to what I was doing and why I was doing it. If you don’t I’d certainly leave them be.
          48”x48”x80” flower/main tent
          600w mh/hps
          32”x32”x63” veg tent
          viparspectra PAR 450 led
          FFOF soil, Fox farms nutes, raw silica
          5 gallon Smart Pots
          Current grow Aurora Indica, Girl Scout Cookies, Wonder Woman (all Nirvana)
          Current grow progress:


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