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Brown spots

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    Brown spots

    Ok no where near my first grow. Have many many plants. Never had an issue i couldnt solve. I have one raspberry cough that i cant get rid of the brown spots. Add ANY nutrients and she gets slight nutrient burn. 7 gallon air pots. 1000 watt mh just swapped to hps because the other plants couldnt wait anylonger. Anyone have a plant that was just ornery? I can replace her but otger than spots growing like mad. I assumed and still assume magnesium defeciency. Always use fox farms ocean forrest and nutrients. Never had an issue

    Its the brown spots that are just baffling me.


      Hello Redwasp, can you take a few pictures in good light ,?
      Then maybe someone could possibly help you. Anyway good luck.
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


        The pics i have now are in hps light. Ill try to get some in better light.




            She is in the far right corner


              Those dont help much




                  There arent many but a few keep popping up.


                    I'm going to guess calcium deficiency. I say "guess," but I'm pretty sure that's it. If you have soft water or are using RO water, it's very easy for the plant not to get enough Ca even when you are adding fertilizer.
                    Giving her a cal-mag supplement with her regular feeding should fix it, but do it soon.
                    Calcium deficiencies cause tiny brown spots that appear on new and middle growth. Learn how to fix this problem for good!


                      Thanks. Gonna see if it helps. I am just so confused why the one is so picky.


                        Hey Red, nice batch of weeds, my first thoughts were pH issue, need cal-mag and some defol.. Is the fan as close as it looks in the pic? if so it's to close. Open em up some get good air flow and get some cal-mag in em. Maybe try a good flush with 25% feed, or water, water, feed sched. You'll get this.

                        Last edited by PRIMO; 04-22-2018, 04:36 PM.


                          Thanks. Yeah they grew so fast. I am changing to a hanging fan. And adding those nutes today. And yes i Know they need some serious defoliation. Was trying to wait till a bit taller but doesnt look like I can wait much longer. Went from leds to 1000 watt mh/hps for the first time so new learning curve.


                            The difference between the new lights and the old is unbelievable. And i had good lights.


                            • DoctorJohnson
                              DoctorJohnson commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Better lights=better growth, so that's what might have pushed it into a deficiency? Just theorizing...

                            Its amazing. Was using 3 450 viper leds. Never had and issue and have done really well. Decided to try this and wow. Just makes me wonder. Have those going on autos. New to that but holy crap fast as hell.


                            • Chefbjy
                              Chefbjy commented
                              Editing a comment
                              I love my hids. Tried and true and not as expensive as I thought consumption wise. Not too fond of the heat produced so thinking of adding co2 to my grow.

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