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    Hello farmers. I am using the full line of gh Cocotek and wanted to know if I should be using a sweetener I’m not looking to add flavor I like the natural taste of my cannabis. But is there another advantage to sweeteners. Do they really make a noticeable difference or is it just hype. Thanks for any replies

    Well no one has replied, so I'll hop in here with my usual comment that all a plant needs is N, P, and K plus trace elements. You can get those in a sack of fertilizer from the hardware store. The only advantage of modern cannabis fertilizing regimens--and it's a significant one--is that you can adjust ratios over the plant's life.

    General Hydroponics three-bottle FloraSeries plus their CALiMAGic Ca/Mg supplement is all I've needed to grow potent buds, but GH has a dozen other bottles they want to sell you. It's all a marketing scam to get more $$$ from clueless growers.

    That said, the people who use silica supplements are enthusiastic enough to make me curious.
    And if you're growing hydroponically, I suspect that cultures of beneficial bacteria can help to prevent root rot so might be good insurance even though they are expen$ive and have short shelf lives.

    So a big NO to sweeteners here, but maybe other folks who have actually used them will weigh in and tell me I'm FOS.

    Put your time, money, and energy into good lights and good soil and tending to your girls and no extra, expensive products in bottles with colorful, sexy graphics designed to appeal to stoner boys are needed.

    I will now step off my soap box and go tend to my grow. Good luck with yours!


      Hi Harry, I’ve been using molasses in my grows for years as a sweetener and it works well at increasing bud size. First off it’s cheep and can b gotten at most food stores and if used properly( a small amount ) ever other watering it can b used thru out the grow we’re talking a 1/4 tesp. Diluted in warm water any way this works for me. Lol


      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        Be sure to use it only in soil.

      • DoctorJohnson
        DoctorJohnson commented
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        I have added molasses. It's kind of fun. As far as I can tell it makes no difference whatsoever.

      Of course your plant doesn't necessarily need extra sweeteners, but it doesn't hurt to provide them with an extra boost of carbs and aminos, especially when the plant is being pushed to the limit with extra nutrients, CO2, high wattage lights, etc. Some plants, especially during mid bloom, take up a bit more carbs than there are available in the plant to produce sugars. That being said, Bud Candy is one of the many sweeteners out there I recommend. Seems to provide those extra carbs , aminos, and some vitamins to help the plant during the flowering stage. Just my experience and my 2 cents.
      Cannabliss - Grow The Bliss
      White Widow Grow Journal


        Thank you for all the help. I’ve been reading about molasses and it sounds good lm growing in coco so I believe I can use it. If it’s cheap that’s even better. I see a lot of sweetness out there that are different flavors. It just seems silly to me to want your weed to taste different than it is supposed to taste. But to each his own. Just not for me. Does molasses give weed an artificial taste or just enhance its natural flavor


        • Chefbjy
          Chefbjy commented
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          If you read the label of molasses it contains potassium sugars calcium iron carbs and magnesium. All are good for your plant in the final phase. But some sweeteners are around 5% molasses and up to 20% cane sugar with little amounts of mag and sulfur which are derived from sulfates. You can get the same effect with molasses which in turn brings out the natural flavors of the flower. Sweeteners are used for exactly that and can be used in hydro. Molasses can't used in hydro.

        Molasses don't do anything for the flavor. It nourishes the roots, which in turn benefit the plant. No flavor enhancement.


        • Chefbjy
          Chefbjy commented
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          cheap alternative to expensive sugar-based bloom boosting supplements is blackstrap molasses. Giving this to your plants for the last few weeks before harvest can help them get bigger and smell/taste better. From the gwe guide on growing top shelf buds.

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Been using molasses forever, the whole grow ,it definitely helps your buds swell up ,and we can tell , it seems to even taste better, if that is possible, never had any problems with molasses.
          Your buds look fine, and will get much larger by the time they are ready in 6 more weeks or so. Nice job with your plants.
          And I've used it in coco as well, with no
          problems. Good Luck.

        Thanks everyone for your replies. Seems like I have nothing to lose with the molasses. I’m going to give it a try. If I could trouble you with one more question. Could someone tell me how much they use how often do you use it and when to start. Should I use during my flush or just ph water. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. This is a great community


        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Morning Harry, I mainly use 1tablespoon a gallon , once or twice a month.
          In flower I use 2 tablespoons a gallon, once or twice a month, even when flushing, but I grow in soil ,so I don't ever flush, but every now and then. Mostly never.
          Just dissolve it in warm water first, it will lower your ph ,
          We've tried all kinds of molasses, but we like Bre.Rabbit the best, it's cheap, and it's got more good stuff like cal-MAG, in it .It's in damn near every grocery store in the South.
          Hope this helps some and good luck with your grow.

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