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How to get rid of thrips

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    How to get rid of thrips

    I am having an issue with thrips, and need to know what I can go to get rid of them.

    Look at the GWE main site under bugs that should do it. Lol


      Off the top of my head I believe Neem oil will do it. I used to use it when I grew in soil.


        I have had excelent success with Spinoset. I had a very bad infection about 2 years ago. Killed them all in 2 treatments. Look up "Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew".
        Trust me on this one.


          A primary objective to any Integrated Pest Management is identification of the pest. Thrips are extremely tiny and are likely to go unnoticed until you see some minor leaf damage over the course of many weeks.
          I believe in your ability to identify a pest. Thrips are an issue that I deal with too so perhaps we can compare symptoms.
          Can you post post a few pictures of what you are seeing?

          Spinosad works amazing and isn't too harsh for you or the world
          What kingfish said above is good info.


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