This is the Wonder Dawg from last Fall. It was the first time I tried regular seeds_ its a first generation and now feminized seeds were available.
Wonder Dawg (Sour Seed Company)
Medium: coco (aeration), perlite, pumice, grow stones ( 2”grow stones in bottom), with 60% coco (aeration mix), 20% perlite and 10% pumice, 10% combined mix of worm castings & boiled rice hulls. This drains very well, so well that you need to make sure you replenish the nutrients with every watering, but I never have any issues with root rot or nutrient lockout.
Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients Grow and Bloom part A & B for coco (PH perfect), with the addition of supplements (B52, Voodoo, Piranha, Water preparation_5 or 10 gallon container filled with tap water and let it set for 24 hrs or more until the chlorine gas has dissipated.
Lights: two Fluence VPPRx 320 watt lights. Extremely even, efficient and adjustable PPFD in a 3.5 x 6’ grow area.
Security lighting: two 175 watt outdoor lights daylight balanced, connected to a timer which is plugged into a UPS so if we lose our electric power then I have backup light source for over 8 hrs.
Hydro System: AIT, air injection technology. individual buckets with air injection pumps, similar to those used for hydro but they work with soil or similar mediums. i’ve used this system twice and it works best using a very porous medium because it provides more “pathways” for the air to travel up through to the surface. This system works best for my grow area/environment and personal schedule. Since each plant is in its own bucket it is “closed” system as long as the issue is restricted to that one plant_ like nutrient issues due to different genetics or tolerances.
I don’t have to worry about concerns that more traditional hydro setups can experience if there is a loss of power or contamination of nutrient supply. The air pumps supply oxygen to each plant individually from the bottom up through the medium. If the pump(s) fail its ok, they do fine without the pumps because the medium drains very well yet holds moisture for days.
Background: The objective was to get 3 different strains with similar seed to harvest times to finish in time to dry for a week and cure for a week before leaving for two weeks on December 20. Decided to use LST and defoliation only as training techniques because I wanted them to get to harvest asap. That didn’t happen but all turned out well in the end. Big smile!
This is what happened_ some of the pants looked like they’d be too advanced by the time I could return two weeks later so I watered them until I got 50% drainage and the next morning defoliated any fan leaves and small to medium sized leaves, cut the branches off at the base by the trunk and hung them to dry. No fan in the room like when I’m there to keep an eye on things. Also increased the humidity to 60% and temp at 68 degrees. All this with the idea that they would take longer than the 7 days it usually takes when I cut the branches off right below the main colas, keep humidity at 50% and temperature at 68_ 70 degrees, with a fan on low pointed at the opposite wall.
They did get a bit too dry but when I put them in jars I filled them to the top and put one of the largest buds in each jar because they had more moisture. Also put some 70% Bovida bags in the jars too and after a few days the humidity was up to 60% (originally it was about 52%).
Once the humidity came up I removed the Bovida bags and let them cure for 3 weeks, then put the bags back in the jars for long term storage.
The others weren’t mature enough to harvest so I watered them well before we left and I had a friend who came by and watered them every few days. They were just ready when we returned. Yeah!
Wonder Dawg_ ( Sour Seeds Company)
Heritage_ Pakistani Chitral Kush x CBD cut x Chem 4 BX2
This was the first time I planted a regular rather than feminized strain. This involved starting with twice as many seedlings as I did with the other two strains. It wasn’t until the plants grew into their 4th week that I could start to determine what sex they were. I was starting to be concerned when I’d already taken 5 males down and had only two left. Of those only one was female. Thankfully she turned out to be a beauty and tested at 17% THC and 11% CBD. Very purple buds with green leaves. A perfect choice for an insomnia cure or a relaxing_ get on the couch_evening with a good movie or book.
Calendar_ planted September 14th and harvested December 18th
Training_ LST and defoliation only.
Structure_ medium size plant, about 26”
Harvest_ 3.8 oz dried and cured flowers (two plants).
Conclusion_ super dense purple flowers, very smooth smoke with a pine like but earthy taste.
I’d grow this again and I have a few more seeds!
Wonder Dawg (Sour Seed Company)
Medium: coco (aeration), perlite, pumice, grow stones ( 2”grow stones in bottom), with 60% coco (aeration mix), 20% perlite and 10% pumice, 10% combined mix of worm castings & boiled rice hulls. This drains very well, so well that you need to make sure you replenish the nutrients with every watering, but I never have any issues with root rot or nutrient lockout.
Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients Grow and Bloom part A & B for coco (PH perfect), with the addition of supplements (B52, Voodoo, Piranha, Water preparation_5 or 10 gallon container filled with tap water and let it set for 24 hrs or more until the chlorine gas has dissipated.
Lights: two Fluence VPPRx 320 watt lights. Extremely even, efficient and adjustable PPFD in a 3.5 x 6’ grow area.
Security lighting: two 175 watt outdoor lights daylight balanced, connected to a timer which is plugged into a UPS so if we lose our electric power then I have backup light source for over 8 hrs.
Hydro System: AIT, air injection technology. individual buckets with air injection pumps, similar to those used for hydro but they work with soil or similar mediums. i’ve used this system twice and it works best using a very porous medium because it provides more “pathways” for the air to travel up through to the surface. This system works best for my grow area/environment and personal schedule. Since each plant is in its own bucket it is “closed” system as long as the issue is restricted to that one plant_ like nutrient issues due to different genetics or tolerances.
I don’t have to worry about concerns that more traditional hydro setups can experience if there is a loss of power or contamination of nutrient supply. The air pumps supply oxygen to each plant individually from the bottom up through the medium. If the pump(s) fail its ok, they do fine without the pumps because the medium drains very well yet holds moisture for days.
Background: The objective was to get 3 different strains with similar seed to harvest times to finish in time to dry for a week and cure for a week before leaving for two weeks on December 20. Decided to use LST and defoliation only as training techniques because I wanted them to get to harvest asap. That didn’t happen but all turned out well in the end. Big smile!
This is what happened_ some of the pants looked like they’d be too advanced by the time I could return two weeks later so I watered them until I got 50% drainage and the next morning defoliated any fan leaves and small to medium sized leaves, cut the branches off at the base by the trunk and hung them to dry. No fan in the room like when I’m there to keep an eye on things. Also increased the humidity to 60% and temp at 68 degrees. All this with the idea that they would take longer than the 7 days it usually takes when I cut the branches off right below the main colas, keep humidity at 50% and temperature at 68_ 70 degrees, with a fan on low pointed at the opposite wall.
They did get a bit too dry but when I put them in jars I filled them to the top and put one of the largest buds in each jar because they had more moisture. Also put some 70% Bovida bags in the jars too and after a few days the humidity was up to 60% (originally it was about 52%).
Once the humidity came up I removed the Bovida bags and let them cure for 3 weeks, then put the bags back in the jars for long term storage.
The others weren’t mature enough to harvest so I watered them well before we left and I had a friend who came by and watered them every few days. They were just ready when we returned. Yeah!
Wonder Dawg_ ( Sour Seeds Company)
Heritage_ Pakistani Chitral Kush x CBD cut x Chem 4 BX2
This was the first time I planted a regular rather than feminized strain. This involved starting with twice as many seedlings as I did with the other two strains. It wasn’t until the plants grew into their 4th week that I could start to determine what sex they were. I was starting to be concerned when I’d already taken 5 males down and had only two left. Of those only one was female. Thankfully she turned out to be a beauty and tested at 17% THC and 11% CBD. Very purple buds with green leaves. A perfect choice for an insomnia cure or a relaxing_ get on the couch_evening with a good movie or book.
Calendar_ planted September 14th and harvested December 18th
Training_ LST and defoliation only.
Structure_ medium size plant, about 26”
Harvest_ 3.8 oz dried and cured flowers (two plants).
Conclusion_ super dense purple flowers, very smooth smoke with a pine like but earthy taste.
I’d grow this again and I have a few more seeds!