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Yellowing leaves

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  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    How close is the light? Straight coco? What's pH going in and coming out? What size pot? Pictures? Hard to give an answer without knowing some of these things. Pictures help a lot too. If you're in straight coco you could be overwatering it's easy to do because it retains so much water and no oxygen. But without the correct info we can't really help.

  • Blackthumb59
    General hydroponic flora trio

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  • Blackthumb59
    I’m using a 450w dimmable led light,growing in coco coir in a very small tent. 20x36x56. I lowered the light intensity and stopped using nutrients today.

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  • Smokesteve
    I've made this mistake before more info is going to be helpful, what light, growing medium and nutrients are you using and any other pertinent information.

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  • Blackthumb59
    started a topic Yellowing leaves

    Yellowing leaves

    Hey everybody,
    First of all a big thanks to grow weed easy for making thing exactly that up until now. This is my first grow so I wanted to do two plants. Auto Ak47 and auto white lsd. The white lsd has been a little behind the whole grow,but since flowering started the leaves have started turning yellow pretty quickly. I had some light stress early on that was handled pretty easily,but I’m stumped here. I believe it’s nutrient burn because I’ve noticed some burnt tips on the other plant,but I’m also worried my light may be too strong. Any ideas?

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