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Weird looking leaves, 5th week flowering

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    Weird looking leaves, 5th week flowering

    Hey all :Love:

    this is an organic soil 250 hps grow, strain is 707 headband. 2 plants.
    They're gettting 1ml calmag, 2ml age old bloom, and i'm gonna start with age old sweet finish next watering.
    the buds are developing nicely, but i think i got some deficiency problems maybe ?

    I have 3 issues that concern me:

    1. lower leaves turning yellow. thinking maybe a nitrogen deficiency, but i hear it can be normal at this stage to get some yellowing at the bottom?

    2. Upper leaves in 1 plant turning purple - sort of - they are developing some weird looking purplish "stains", as you can see in the photos. temps at night can get to ~62-63 but theyre usually sitting at around 71-72. Please note that this plant is developing faster than the other one (it was like this during veg, and now 5 weeks in flowering the buds are far more developed than on the other plant)

    3. Some sort of yellowing/browning between veins of uppermost leaves.

    Any ideas? thanks!

    Morning Shireen, yeah, your right ,they need a dose of molasses or the good stuff or make up some teas, way to early to be turning that yellow. Those are some nice plants.
    ps, how close have you got your 250 ?
    Cfls for a week or two
    315lec for everything else
    Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
    36x36x63 inch tent.
    6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
    Smart pots


      Hey, thanks for the quick reply!
      The 250 is about 5-7 inches from plant tops.

      Sorry but what do you mean with teas? and is there any alternative to molasses?


      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
        Editing a comment
        Hello, yeah, there's all kinds of stuff you can mix up in a big bucket ,with a air pump, stuff like worm compost, kelp, an plenty more, does the same as molasses, feeds your soil, makes your plants grow nicely.
        Read up on the different teas ,you can make. They really do a good job.
        That's kinda close for a 250 hps, even when they are flowering, a few top leaves look kinda burned. I ain't sure but I think it's around 12inches, away is what Nebula says to put it.
        Last edited by D.A.A.S.69; 01-25-2018, 06:24 AM.

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