I got two beautiful girls in flower stage that have helped me learn a lot as this being my first successful grow so far. List of set up.
. 20 gal smart pots
bag seed of good stuff n
Ocean forest Happy Frog soil
hollandstar 100”watt LED (topic on this brand later)
temp & humidity gauge
store bought distilled water
general hydroponic PH up & down
fox farms nutrients - grow big. big bloom. tiger bloom. ( topic below)
co2 in a bag ( topic and pictures below)
This is my first grow. I am very pleased with how these plants have done with what I bought, built, sweated for. I have put a lot of time, effort and a few extra dollars I probably shouldn’t have into this. And I am very satisfied with these results.
I am currently in flower stage. Couldn’t really tell ya exactly how far long they are. Late November early December from dates on pictures.
The LED light I bought off amazon the hollandstar. Sucks. Bout half the led’s are out. I’m thinking bout growing outside in smart pots. Not worry bout lights or running up light bill. I live out in the sticks. So I don’t see a reason not to.
The feeding schedule - seedlings. Plain dilstilled store bought water. Started using grow big and I miscalculated on my math. Ended up giving both nutrient burns. I reread everything I could about the liquid diet I was feeding the plants. Come to the realization 5 ml is 1 teaspoon. 15 ml is 1 tablespoon. Simple math from there. Started adding grow big back to the diet of the plants. Directions stated for general feedings give 2-3 teaspoons. Brake that down to ml. That is 10-15 ml. Now, I have read everywhere to never give full strength at first. So. I gave one plant (Guinea pig) 3 ml per gallon water. And off we go from there. I think I started the nutrients too late plants were roughly 14 in tall (indica strain) (not sure strain. Bag seed of the good stuff)
. 20 gal smart pots
bag seed of good stuff n
Ocean forest Happy Frog soil
hollandstar 100”watt LED (topic on this brand later)
temp & humidity gauge
store bought distilled water
general hydroponic PH up & down
fox farms nutrients - grow big. big bloom. tiger bloom. ( topic below)
co2 in a bag ( topic and pictures below)
This is my first grow. I am very pleased with how these plants have done with what I bought, built, sweated for. I have put a lot of time, effort and a few extra dollars I probably shouldn’t have into this. And I am very satisfied with these results.
I am currently in flower stage. Couldn’t really tell ya exactly how far long they are. Late November early December from dates on pictures.
The LED light I bought off amazon the hollandstar. Sucks. Bout half the led’s are out. I’m thinking bout growing outside in smart pots. Not worry bout lights or running up light bill. I live out in the sticks. So I don’t see a reason not to.
The feeding schedule - seedlings. Plain dilstilled store bought water. Started using grow big and I miscalculated on my math. Ended up giving both nutrient burns. I reread everything I could about the liquid diet I was feeding the plants. Come to the realization 5 ml is 1 teaspoon. 15 ml is 1 tablespoon. Simple math from there. Started adding grow big back to the diet of the plants. Directions stated for general feedings give 2-3 teaspoons. Brake that down to ml. That is 10-15 ml. Now, I have read everywhere to never give full strength at first. So. I gave one plant (Guinea pig) 3 ml per gallon water. And off we go from there. I think I started the nutrients too late plants were roughly 14 in tall (indica strain) (not sure strain. Bag seed of the good stuff)