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When to perform 2nd topping???

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    When to perform 2nd topping???

    I must have missed something in the tutorial. I am growing in coir and the tutorial says to top when I have 4-6 nodes. I have never topped twice but if I decide to do that, how many nodes should my two main stems have before I top them again?

    Thank you!

    4 if your using miss Haze method!


    • Spanky
      Spanky commented
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    You can always top again any branch that is taller than the rest. It doesn’t really matter much where you top as long as you keep the plant height the same across the canopy.


    • BlueBudz
      BlueBudz commented
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      Ya I have butchered a few plants now and they always just seem to grow back again lol I have done some extreme tests and they just always live if the other conditions are right! I’m actually starting to think they thrive from abuse 😂

    Good information. Thanks. I don't think I am that brave yet, but maybe someday!


    • BlueBudz
      BlueBudz commented
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      I have only been growing for a couple months so it’s not like I have vast experience to share. I was more or less just trying to boost your confidence. It’s actually kind of hard to kill these weeds but it’s also hard to grow them ideally! I must say it’s the best hobby I have ever had, something to look forward to every day

    • Cronk
      Cronk commented
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      yeah, I second that. i'm in my first grow and manifolded 4 plants. The only thing that slowed them down was me overwatering them.

    After your first topping; I would recommend giving your girls some time to recover. Topping/FIM will stun your plants and after a couple days you will see recovery. I would recommend minimum of 1 week before you top again. I myself would wait 10 days if I were to top again. Just based on experience, but ultimately each plant can adjust differently.


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