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Locrian99s 2nd grow

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    I really wonder if leaving them in the 1 gallon then just doing that pot in a pot thing hurt the stretch and yield cause 3 of my 4 really had minimal stretch compared to what I expected at least. Although from the looks that WW will be the smallest yield. Debating on taking the GC tomorrow, didn’t see much for amber but since it’s not a couchlock strain wonder if just all cloudy is better.

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I started to use 3 gallons then saw the actual size and went to 5 gallon pot now due to space limitations I'm wondering if 3 g will work after all ,

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Actually the two Aurora Indicas may end up in 3 gallons as I’m going to flower them in my “veg tent”. Going out of town for a couple weeks early June so I’m going to have to have a grow break briefly

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    So that grow was literally a 1 gallon fabric pot inside of a 3 gallon rather than transplanting. It was a dumb piece of advice to follow it worked but I didn’t feel like the roots filled out the pot as it should’ve. This grow one doing solo cup to 2 gal to 5 gal

  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Congratulations 99, your gonna get a nice little stash, nothin better than smoking your own, just took 6 bong hits of some Dr.Kripplins, incredible bulk, that's been in the jars 5 months, man o man , scorched.

  • oldjarhead100
    Locrian what size pots do you use

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  • Locrian99
    Gave the girls a foliar spray today, sea green by primordial essence. We’ll see if I notice much of a difference grow shop guy gave me a sample bottle and he swears by it but he probably swears by everything he sells lol. Chopped down my white widow today too, was nice the wife helped me trim. Nothing like a little bonding time on opposite sides of the pool table taking bong hits and trimming bud. Not sure we did the best job but it’ll work. Yield I’m thinking is pretty light (if anyone can guesstimate dry weight I’m curious of course I’ll know in a few days.) pot pic is the fabric pot inside the fabric pot (I’ll never do this again but it did work, huge root clumps all around, but I think it would’ve filled it out better in a single. Anyways probably doing my green crack Friday wanted to give her a little more time and breaking it up will be nice. Plus I need more trimming scissors if the wife is willing to help 😀

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  • Canyon Grower
    Crowded yes, but in a good way. Keep up the good work !

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  • Canyon Grower
    commented on 's reply
    Im not complaining. Last year nearly 7 ft of snow had fallen here, settled down to 4ft; but this year we have open ground in many places. Go figure......

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    isnt it funny how we make all these plans and that ass Murphy comes along and applies his damn law lol.

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    CG i think its a year for extremes it has been unusually cold here in the NE so be happy with the warmth lol

  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah 99, I'd hate like hell to have to buy all those different nutrients again, they can get into some cash.

  • Locrian99
    Busy afternoon for me and the babies. I noticed some roots coming out of the drain holes in the solo cups so I went ahead and transplanted today. Added two more clamp lights as the splitting wouldn’t work with the larger pots. Played some Tetris to fit everything in that dinky tent I’m working in, and I’m hoping we get better humidity soon cause that humidifier will be losing its spot soon and I think I have 2-3 weeks left before the GG#4 aredone in the flower tent. Should’ve planned a bit better but originally I was only doing 4. Here’s some pics of the new layout it’s crowded.

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Yea it’s been an odd winter here in the pac nw so far super dry. So much so that I forgot about the way water leaks in through my cellar door and put all my nutes in a card board box in front of the other day, went down last night realized my folly (all the nutes are fine)

  • Canyon Grower
    Locrian99 just subbed. Looking forward to following your grow. I just started a bean yesterday under cfl's. I like them (like many others do) under cfl's for few weeks. Problem im having is that its SOOOO unusually warm here in the west this winter that my heavily insulated grow box is venting unusually hard to keep temps down. Surprising difference between cfl's and my led.

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