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Locrian99s 2nd grow

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  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Hello 99, hey man, you have got your plants looking great, your lst, is textbook, your going to have some humongous nugs in a little while. Great Job

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    Ya I had a conversation with Dangerdan. Although the topic is still debated I believe some people may be confused as to what they're doing. Pruning is different from defoliating and will benefit the maintenance of the structure. Where as defoliating is taking leaves off to expose bud sites.

  • KingKush
    commented on 's reply
    The defoliation article performed well in providing us universal definitions
    Defoliating vs Leafing vs Pruning
    We all suck at making sense with our words so it was nice to get common ground.
    The article is IN SUPPORT of pruning, it just challenges leafing and defoliating.

    How do you know it "helps" if you haven't grown a side-by-side comparison yourself? Try to limit yourself to pruning a few plants next run and compare them to the ones you ripped all the leaves off. I have zero doubt that the unmolested ladies will make more buds than your defoliated plants every single time.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Runts are funny, originally the WW was the runt, She has caught up with the other 2 though now pretty much.

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    Nice and tight node spacing. My runt is looking pretty good too think I underestimated her a bit.

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah wish they could talk. Tell you what kind of haircut they want lol.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Chefbjy yea it’s for sure a topic of debate. Good friend of mine has grown for years and swears it does nothing for them. I intend on doing some I’m just iffy on how much to be taking. Spend so much time and money on them messing with them makes me nervous lol

  • Locrian99
    And the big tent got plain water tonight. For sure moving to every 4 days now. Guessing that’ll bump to 3 once they get switched and they start making the good stuff 😀 6.3 in 6.6 out on all 4. GSC 2 is still the runt, I still think that is primarily due to me damaging her a little getting heavy handed with the LST.

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  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    With indoor grow and confined spaces you can benefit from defoliation. I'm still on the fence about his article and believe the issue to be controversial. Maintaining indoor plants with the removal of leaves can help in many ways. He just doesn't think it increases yields. I believe maintained plants will provide you with better results in confined space. Since you can't just let a plant grow out of control and expect to get promising yields due to environmental conditions. But there are some people that beleave it does increase yield.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    KingKush thanks man! I’m hoping this ends up netting me plenty of good smoke to last a bit. Might have a bit before next grow

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Campesino I know what you mean. This whole defoliation thing is kinda tough. I have noticed through veg that (at least in my perception) when I’ve exposed growth tips to light that through defoliation they have made their way to the top without being overly “leggy” those I haven’t seem leggy or have not reached the top.

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah, sorry I misread that
    I probably would thin them somewhat. Still trying to internalize DrPhoton 's article and determine how to proceed. I think the defol/prunning at the end of the stretch is more important.

  • KingKush
    commented on 's reply
    Looking real healthy and comfortable, it reminds me of those really successful grows you see occasionally.
    Its week 8 for me too and I flipped this week.
    "This is taking too long" is what I decided.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    I’ve been a bit more aggressive in veg so far. I was speaking though of the before flip to 12/12 defoliation. Not of just vege defol

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    Looking good. Yes, Short and bushy, Ideal!
    I am pretty cautious about defol/pruning during veg. I only take leaves when they are really crowding or laying on each other. Maybe just a light prune, but nothing as dramatic as a defoliation. Cutting a few crowded leaves is not going to hurt, but leaves are power.

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