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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    silasjack Root rot IS terrifying, which is why I invested in coolers for both my grow boxes. It was either fork out the dough or live in constant terror of the return of the rot.

    So why are you switching??

  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Morning Silasjack, yeah that coco is something else ain't it ? 50-50 coco-perlite is hard to beat.

  • silasjack
    Thanks to alltatup and DW2, I have been growing in coco and I'm a little reluctant about the switch to dwc. The thought of root rot is terrifying

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  • DW2
    Howdy silasjack, Like alltatup said, as soon as the sprouts are in the bucket, and, I might add, as long as they are there.
    Welcome to the forum and good luck with Your grow.

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  • alltatup
    Hi silas, as soon as your plants are in the bucket, you want your air pump producing bubbles.

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  • silasjack
    started a topic silas


    I have set up my first DWC going with the tutorial that Sirius shows on GWE. I was just wondering at what point do you turn the pump on?

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