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Riddle this sick plant.

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    COCO COIR Riddle this sick plant.

    Hi. I have a few plants growing but one of them is so deformed. All my plants are grown in the same medium, coco coir, fed the same nutes at the same time from the same water. Ph is managed so plants can get all nutes. They all get the same light etc etc. But this one plant has been a problem from day one. It's leaves looked like they do from the day they first sprouted. I can't figure out why or what is wrong. Any ides?

    MurrayBill, let me start by saying your doing a great job on your manifold, so I'd like to ask are you measuring your runoff PH?, how much/often do you water?, and do you give xalmag?
    Space for Rent.


      Hey Mr.furley. Thanks for your response. And thanks for the props on the manifold. I water probably every 3 days. If you are talking about Calmag, yes I use it. I never have run off and always measure my Ph before I water, both before and after I put my nutes in. I adjust my Ph up and down regularly between 5.5-6.5 to make sure that my plants can up take what it needs. The other plants I have are all fantastic and as I said, they all get the same care. This plant has been like this from day one and I can't figure out why. I am ready to kill it.


        MurrayBill, so if I may suggest before you kill it try something and it involves pH, and yea calmag.

        I to grow in coco and I water in a couple of ways.
        first I give Ph'ed, nute, water to the sum of 1.25 gallon in veg or 1.5 gallons in flower in a 5 gallon smart pot, waiting till my pots are completely dry for my next watering and next time I water with plan ph'ed water to the tune of around 2 gallons. Now with that said I check my runoff PH (and you should be to at least from time to time). Then I adjust my next watering to straighten out my root Zone pH which is what I would suspect might be a problem.

        now you said it has been a problem all along and maybe bad genetics but it never hurts to check your run off of your pH I suspect you might be surprised. In coco add water till it starts to drip and catch the first bit you can and test, this is a small step that could save you a plant. I just hit a problem with a flowering plant at week 5, my runoff ph drop to 4.5 in 1 week and I had to start flushing 6 gallons of 8.5 ph water to hit 6. On my runoff. If you don't flush from time to time you can develop salt buildup which can be a big problem for your plant in your pH
        so like I said just something to try.
        Hope this helps
        Space for Rent.


        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          I'm really thinking this is a Ph problem or a root problem or both.

        Thanks for the advice Mr.furley. I really appreciate it. I am only a newbie. This is only my third grow. I think it is a root problem as well as it was mis-shapened like that as soon as it sprouted. Now to start researching how to fix.


        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          I would start with:
          1 give your plant(s) a flush, check the runoff PH and correct.
          2) make sure your pot size is right for the plant size and don't need a transplant.
          3) make sure you are not over-watering, this I suspect maybe why you're having root problems if you don't water her to run off and stay on just a schedule you may not be completely drying causing fungus and mold, rot. Cannabis plants like to be watered and then absorb oxygen and can only do that when they're dry.
          If I was suspecting that problem this is where I'd start.

        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          P.s. my pleasure.

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