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Setup my grow area

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    Setup my grow area

    I know i have posted before, so please forgive me. I have got myself so confused and just want to start over. I have studied the GWE and it is assume, and so is this forum.
    This is what I want to do.
    I really need to grow 12 lb per YEAR minimum. with perpetual setup. Now let me explain a few things. #1 I AM ILLEGAL. Got the sleuth covered. #2 With out going into a long reason. i am a 100% disabled vet. I need to raise money for a home. so when I die MY wife has a place to live and paid for. I was with the 5th special forces and was a sniper. On my what would be last mission in nam. I made the kill but did not escape the artillery and lost both legs. PLEASE NO PITY at least I made it back. I cant get pain meds at the VA because I smoke weed(DRUG TEST) they did offer me to enter into rehab and quit smoking weed. I had unkind words for them. I told them the weed is why i am not PTSD and the weed help me cope and help with my pain, and I trust GOG's meds over man made. myself and several others believe 4:20 and we also believe JESUS used it too. sorry for the long intro introduction. Weed is very expenses here OZ 350 to 400. I know what some people think stop speeding your money on that and you could buy a home. Yip that is correct. They don't know my pain. My wounds happen on my 3rd tour. I am 67 years old and do not have to much more time. Thank you in advance.

    I do understand the basics of growing. what I am confused about is this. I will be growing indoors and would like to use grow tents . I would like to grow White Widow and Big Bud both auto from Seedman. or recommendations.

    I have room for 1 - 4x8x7 . i Have the following
    1-2x4x5 Tent
    1-20"x3x6 Tent
    4-Leds 300w(137 True watts)Galexyhydro
    4- 5gal DWC bubble buckets, pump,air stone, hose. 6" pods
    2- 6" duct fans 230
    2-6" carbon filters
    I have a budjet of 1500.00

    I am confused on led lights. example: Vendor say 1000 watts(Draw 547W) replaces 1000w hps . core cover 4x4 max 5x5. what dose this mean? Howm many plant can I grow under this core area?
    I also do not know how many plants to grow to reach my goal. On GWE it say you can get 11+ oz with this 1200w (true Watt 527) lght. How many plants ?
    What do I need to do .
    Any help would be out standing.

    Give or take 50-100w (actual draw) per square foot for led so im told. So 527/100 is aprox 5 square feet, say 2-4? plants. But Im new to this so that my 2 cents for all its worth.


      Not a hydro grower, but someone will help.
      I think autos are a good start. Once you figure out how long each strain takes to grow to the maturity you want, then you know when to start your next batch. And how many you can grow in your space. My tent is 9 square feet, and 4 maturing autos is tight. Not sure how good your lights are, for yield I mean, I'm happy getting 100 grams per plant.
      So to get to the poundage you want, you'll need at least another tent, and probably a good HPS light for yield.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


        Drafted in 1970, 18months in that hell, hole, tunnel rat, most horrible sh-t imaginable ,wish I had gone to Canada. The VA is a f-cking JOKE, ain't never going back there either, a nut house. That's all I want to say about that experience.
        As for your plants you can grow 2 autos in the same time as one photo most of the time, I'd look for some autos that are known to get big, and finish quick. I don't want to argue but my last plant an auto was a monster with big ass, heavy, sticky bud and all I used was 35 watts a square foot, but more light helps tremendously, I just don't think you need a 100watts a square foot.
        Your at the right place Poppy, nice,friendly, knowledgeable folks here to help you.Also read Nebulas articles, on GWE, they can really help you alot, glad you made it back Poppy
        Cfls for a week or two
        315lec for everything else
        Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
        36x36x63 inch tent.
        6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
        Smart pots


        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Hey qwertyonion , after harvest you will always see ways to improve, just cause someone runs a 100watts a square foot don't mean that they will have dense, hard bud every time. Your gonna do well.

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Same to you brother, plenty of nice folks on GWE to help you

        • qwertyonion
          qwertyonion commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks D.A.A.S

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