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We have lift off !!!! As of 2:30 this afternoon took about arive and so far a nice ride. I did two caps half full my moma always said go big or go home,so I did I think? Seems to b getting better as I type ... later dude
Success, the high lasted about 3 hours,real nice too. The good news is theirs no more turkey,stuffing,taters,or pie. And the high kind of hung around for a while (while comming down) felt good and sleept well. Load her up in the shute I’m ready to ride again. I’m thinking 3 caps next time. Happy hippie here
Potted, for me the tincture is a totally different kind of high, know whatt I mean? It lasts SO much longer than smoking/vaping. And I feel the relaxation for a long time after the initial high has subsided. And yes: the initial high lasts a good three hours!!!!!
So do you mean that you ate all the rest of the turky, stuffing, taters & pie????
I pretty much see cannabis as medicine right now, and I am my own lab rat, taking doses to see what kind of effects this dose or that dose has.
I made three different tinctures, and I haven't gotten around to testing the the other two yet. That's what I love about growing a bunch of different strains, cuz you can mix them together and get some pretty amazing "entourage effects."
U guys are probably going to think I’m crazy but I can see a use for this in a hospital type setting (even if the patient is unable to swallow) it could b administered as a saposatory? I think I saw something like that mentioned on weed edacate the vice channel. It’s just a thought I’m not looking to try it out any time soon ! I just think it would benefit those who are overwhelmed by cancer or som other life altering 2$
Yes, you can most definitely use cannabis as a suppository: there are many different ways to absorb this amazing medicine... I myself prefer under the tongue...
Well lookie here I think this could b the back door(no pun intended) to making pot use and legitimacy real but more testing must b done (volunteers) just kidding but if it could b used medicaly it could become ligit I know thay give man made thc to cemo patience to improve appetite and wellbeing I’ve had this and it’s no where near the rso that I made.