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Making seeds

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    Making seeds

    If I keep male plants, will they pollinate my female plants? If so, will the resulting females be laden with regular seeds? Will any seeds produced, contain the same genetics and chance of being male/female as the parent plants? Excuse the newbie questions, seeds are expensive and I'd like to create my own personal seed bank

    Hello buds and welcome
    to answer your questions yes, yes, and yes. It is better to control the male pollen so you get some bud without being seed Laden. There's a great article on making feminized seeds with colloidal silver if I could suggest it to you
    There are two main methods to create your own feminized cannabis seeds: the colloidal silver spray method or using rodelization.

    Space for Rent.


      Personaly id make feminized seeds its easy and u nevr have to worry about males fucking up ur whole crop! Collonial silver works awesome


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