this is my first grow of multiple plants and one has clawed leaves. Only fertilized twice once at 3 weeks and once at 6 weeks. I've got a 600w hps. I also made the mistake of growing 2 different strains. The tall ones are auto flower and the ones in the middle are not. The auto flowers are flowering now so I have the lights on 12/12. Would I harvest the autos first then continue to wait for the plants that are not auto flower to flower? Thanks
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Clawed leaves only on 1 plant
Hello newgirl,
autoflower plants will flower at a genetically predetermined time with no light manipulation. A lot of peeps growing Autos use 24/0 light for bigger yield.
photos need light manipulation to start flowering 12/12 well make them flower.
I have not grown auto let along auto and photo together but somebody here has and will have the best advice on how to proceed with a light schedule.
as far as the one clawing can you give a little more detail like watering habits, medium nutrients even pictures help tremendously some plants are little pickier than others even from the same batch of seeds.
Space for Rent.
Wow thanks for the reply I would imagine this site will be my go to for questions! They get about 320z of water about every 4 days the nutrients I used is Alaska fish fertilizer 2 tsp in 2 litres and that would be split between all twelve plants last feed was about 1 week ago. Lights are on now so here is a few more pics. Thanks again4 Photos
Do you grow in soil or coco? Is there a fan on the problem plant? How old are your plants? What is your high and low temperature? Do you check the PH of your water going in and coming out (this is the first thing to do if your not)? Do you always feed nutes or do you give them just water sometimes? Do you give them cal/mag at all? Sorry for all the questions but it can really narrow it down, and yes you are in the right place.
Hello Mr.furley, I am growing in soil. The fan is on but not directly on the plant itself. I planted them all on sept 1st. My high temp is 25 c. The ph level going in is 6.2ish going in and unsure of the level when it come out because I've never watered them enough to get drainage out of the bottom. Only feed nutes every 3 weeks and plain water in between about every 4-5 days. No cal/mag at all. Thanks
Hello newgirl,
So from what you are tell me and my knowledge of soil grows it sound like your doing a good job and you should be proud of the job you've done so far your tent looks good for being your first grow, seem like you have done some homework too. If I may suggest a couple of things that could help.
1) if your not overwatering which it sound like your not, a claw would most like be from heat,wind or light stress. I would look here first
2) I believe that soil grows like a little higher PH levels around 6.5 to 7 can benefit them, you should try to get a little run off from time to time to check your ph levels coming out and to make sure the whole pot is wet, dont push a lot of runoff but some can tell a lot about were root zone levels are at and as you flower your plant are got to become very pick of this stuff: Ph, proper levels of nitems, temp and light schedule. So check it and if need move it up abit for a minute don't be afraid too.
3) your Alaskan fish fertilizer I've heard of but I'm not familiar, just double check it's "N-P-K" numbers your may need to find a new FLOWING alternative you want something high in P&K and not a lot of nitrogen you want to avoid a lot of nitrogen and flowering as you're trying to get buds to develop and not plants to grow.
The reason I bring this up 2 and 3 is it looks like you had some yellow leaves and your original picture and these are good signs of 2 or 3.
Hope this help and happy growing
P.s welcome to newgirl88.
Perfect I will water them enough in the morning to get some drainage to test that ph coming out. Here is a photo of the fertilizer I'm using. If i have to I'll just go grab the bloom stuff I would imagine that's what I need? ThanksI like to hope I'm doing a good job as I would like to have that tent full at some point. It's an 8x8 and I've got 13 plants in there now and it's only taking up half the space.Will Need more lights before I can fill it! You rock! Thanks again!
1 Photo