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purplish stems

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  • Tika
    I usually have purple fan leaf petioles. When defoliating they are the ones that go as a general rule.
    personally I think it to be a natural aging pro ess...hardening off.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    My buddy and I are experiencing the same issue. We share the exact strain/seeds. His shows purple stems & veins while mine are green. We use same nutes.
    Only differences are; I use coco over soil, his growing 'space' is larger with more light.
    However with the same light i'm using he managed to get purple stems. Our temperatures are similar day & night....

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  • D.A.A.S.69
    Some might turn purple some might not no problems just keep taking good care of them. Not to much nutrients and good PH water and they will grow some fine bud for you. Good Luck 555

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  • Dagmar
    The purple stems and veins are normal - at least for some strains. My current grow, and several past grow, have this. Nothing to worry about.

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  • DW2
    Howdy mpb555, The purple color happens to my plants as well. The most notable areas are the stems that get a greater amount of light. I think the it is a normal reaction to the stronger amount of light, sort of like when a person's skin tans with exposure to the sun light. It has happened to all of the plants that I have grown, but I have not noticed any detrimental results from if.

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  • Daskahn
    what is the temperature when the light is off? I'd check about mid way or just before your lights turn back on.. from what I've read purple coloring is usually due to the temperature being colder at night.. shouldn't really effect ending quality just adds some color

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  • mpb555
    a few pics
    Attached Files

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  • mpb555
    And my ph is right at 7. Ive also been doing a little bit of defoliation. But again they seem healthy and are growing....

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  • D.A.A.S.69
    You got any pictures? ?

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  • mpb555
    started a topic purplish stems

    purplish stems

    Hey all. Some of my stems and veins are turning purplish. Not all just a few. But it seems to be getting worse. I am 3 weeks into the flowering stage.Do you think I should flush? I;m thinking I have a salt build up. I just started giving them dyna gro 3-12-6 about 3 weeks ago. I also crushed up some aquarium fish food and mixed it with water. Could the fish food be my problem. But other than that they look good. I had a few yellow leaves. Any in put is welcome. Thx.

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