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  • D.A.A.S.69
    Yep that sucks, maybe one of these days it will get better in every State ,not just a few.

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  • kingfish
    commented on 's reply
    That sucks Bro.

  • D.A.A.S.69
    I like it all, bongs, vaping, Bubblers ,dabs, one hitters and all the rest ,but my favorite will always be smoking joints, plus they are alot easier to eat if you have too. Where I live if you get caught with any of the fancy new pieces in you car your guaranteed to make the 6 o'clock news for a couple days ,sometimes longer, and yes I live in the USA.

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    I donate it to a friend who is too broke to buy weed.

  • kingfish
    What do you all do with the ABV ?

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  • Doubledealing72
    commented on 's reply
    I agree aloner, nothing like the traditional smoke rolling out of your mouth feeling lol

  • alltatup
    Hi kingfish,

    I like to smoke joints with company, I love the bong and my bubbler when I'm trying to conserve weed, but I love my vaporizer by the same folks who make the Volcano-- the Plenty. It has a large-sized filling chamber so you can vape with 2 other people and get very high.

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  • Beach_Town_Brit
    I love vaping, my friend's volcano is the very best thing to test a new strain, even before it's cured.

    But my love for vaping is tempered by ... well, dabs ... dabs seem to me to be the best of both worlds, a little smoke, a little vape, and a hell of a lot of THC

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  • Tazard
    MedMan has to be stored in dark.

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  • MedMan
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks Tazard I will have to look up how to make that I still have a few Vape pens I can use . How long does it last after you make it ?

  • MommaBear
    commented on 's reply
    Be sure to let us know how the experiments go!!!

  • Tazard
    I like to vape E-liquid they sell disposable cartridges for your battery or you can make it from dry herb.

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  • Aloner
    I got a Pax 3 for the convenience and versitility. And since I don't really smoke a lot the compact size isn't a minus. It's incredibly well-designed and all but I still prefer smoking to vaping -- the taste just feels like it's missing something. But my wife doesn't like the smell of smoke in the house (she's a drinker not a smoker) so vaping it is. A few years back a friend gave me one of those cheap Chinese vapes when he got a Volcano, but it tasted like chemicals so I only used it a few time -- did not care for that one at all.

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  • JohnC
    Vaping is all I do. Smoking, to me, has become too disgusting.

    My go-to vaporizer is an eNano from EpicVape. Normally I just use it with the glass stem/pipe it comes with but occassionally I'll break out one of my glass bubblers and pair it up with the eNano.

    Here's a pic of the eNano along with a glass bubbler I helped design. The bubbler stays safely on my end table while I use the whip with a glass mouth piece to inhale all of the goodness.

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  • kingfish
    commented on 's reply

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