Well here is another update . I think I'm giving the plant flash burn from all the pictures I take so far I'm up to about 300 photos of the girl and will put together a bunch on the plant grow forum after this finishes . I know I keep putting a lot of the same pics up but I do see growth . Also some of the smaller buds are starting to get there the pistils are curling and browning up so I might harvest and try those while waiting for the large colas to finish . The big ones are still almost all white still but getting some curl happening .
And the big one that has like 2 stems is the one I cut but because it kept getting into the light .
The last pic is just the bottom of the plant that's why I need to cut back just hate to do too much while in flower mode
And the big one that has like 2 stems is the one I cut but because it kept getting into the light .
The last pic is just the bottom of the plant that's why I need to cut back just hate to do too much while in flower mode