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Bonsai Bud - A Liliputian Adventure

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    Bonsai Bud - A Liliputian Adventure

    Bonsai Bud - A Liliputian Adventure

    After posting a picture of my first Auto White Widow the other day, I was deluged by her many fans demanding follow ups. Er, OK. One person asked for it. Good enough for me.

    What follows will be a somewhat unorthadox "journal". I've decided to stick my neck out and document my first grow. Not just any grow mind you. But, an epic fail. This is more about how not to proceed than a primer for success. More of a continuing saga than a journal, per se.

    The Op
    The story takes place in a closet in a spare bedroom located somewhere in Ontario, Canada. Roughly 2ft X 4 ft
    Lighting is 1 Viaspar 300 Watt LED supplemented by 3-23 real watt CFL's
    Medium is Canna Coco Brick with approx 30% Perlite
    Pot is nursery grade plastic 5 gallon
    Nutrients are General Hydroponics Trio
    Supplements are GH CaliMagic and Armor-Si
    Seeds are Crop King Seeds White Widow Autos

    Click image for larger version  Name:	The OP.jpg Views:	1 Size:	225.6 KB ID:	106045

    Note: This thread will deal only with my first attempt. I have 2 other White Widows a bit over 3 weeks old and 1 Nirvana Northern Lights at 10 days old in the same space

    The Beginning
    I placed 3 seeds in a wet paper towel for germination. This was the only method Crop King allows. If I used any other method and none germinated I'd be out of luck asking for replacements.

    Note: I've since tried a Dollar Store peat starter pellet and that worked just fine. The seed was soaked in Ph'd water first. That will be the way I go in the future.

    All 3 germinated. I put 2 in beer cups and 1 into it's 5 gal pot on May 6th.
    Of the two in beer cups, 1 was upside down. I ended up losing it. Later, I would read here on GWE how I could have saved it. The other would be discarded after about 30 days because it was so terribly stunted all hope was lost. And I needed the real estate
    Our heroine popped from the coco on May 9th, 2017

    For the next 10 days, she would endure many hardships at the hands of her loving but naive, overly cautious caregiver. Don't feed her to soon I was told. Don't get her too close to the lights I was warned. Don't water her too much I was advised. Well, I heeded those cautions. Much to the detriment of my newborn seedling it would turn out.

    The LED manufacturer had me keeping a stupid distance away. This, and the late introduction of nutrients, I believe would ultimately lead to the irreversible stunting of the lady I would come to know as "Bonsai Bud"

    Note: I started feeding my latest seedling after 5 days. I had the CFL's within a couple of inches from her from day one. Within a week, I brought her under the LED as well as the CFL's. She looks amazing so far. Lower right of pic above

    As I write this, Bonsai Bud is entering Day 39. She is in the process of transitioning.

    Bonsai Bud Day 10

    At this point, I am quite concerned about her size. I'm reassured all is well and I should be patient. The Automechanics have plants that look like trees compared to mine. She has been living on water. I lower my LED to within 36" as per manufacturer recommendation. Should have been MUCH closerClick image for larger version  Name:	Bonsai Bud Day 10.jpg Views:	2 Size:	319.6 KB ID:	106047

    Bonsai Bud Day 16

    Looking better now that nutrients have started and lights are closer. Still way behind where I expected to be
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Bonsai Bud Day 16.jpg Views:	1 Size:	334.6 KB ID:	106048

    For the past couple of weeks, I've been thinking poor little Bonsai will have to be put out of her misery soon. It has become clear that she will never reach her full potential. I stopped taking pictures of her

    I've begun 2 other White Widows. But, I had the room in the OP for her. So, I kept feeding her. It's around this time that I get a tip from Green75 regarding potassium-silicate for enhancing stem size and introduce Armor-Si to my schedule. Too little too late for Bonsai Bud. But valuable to my new crop. Thanks, Green!

    Bonsai Bud Day 31

    Feeling like I had nothing to lose, I've been tying down Bonsai Bud. She's entering flowering. Today, once again inspired by the Automechanics, I give her a trim. I've changed the CFL's to 2700 KelvinsClick image for larger version  Name:	Bonsai Bud Defoliated.jpg Views:	2 Size:	3.88 MB ID:	106050

    Bonsai Bud Day 38

    This was taken yesterday. I keep her very defoliated and added a few more tie downs to the upper branches today. She stands 6 inches tall. Click image for larger version  Name:	Bonsai Bud Day 38.jpg Views:	1 Size:	383.1 KB ID:	106051

    To be continued

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    Last edited by Gears; 06-18-2017, 08:18 AM. Reason: Fixed Formatting
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