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manifolding or supercropping outdoors

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    manifolding or supercropping outdoors

    Hello everyone,is it ok to mainline or supercrop plants grown outside,i have topped the plants that i have grown in the past(just 2 grows) to get better yields but have not tried to other training.

    Theres nothing wrong applying plant training techniques outdoors, they will however be less effective at increasing yeild compared to indoors. Obvious training techniqies that should not be used outdoors are sea of green and screen of green.
    Typically plant training is used indoors to create a even canopy and fill in the space to optimize the efficient use of light. Outdoors you dont have the same problem.

    In outdoors i still prefer to top a plant at least once, to break the apical dominance to prevent favouring of the main cola. If applying supercropping, i would only recommend its use if height is a issue. I have found no real gain from the process and my understanding in plant biology suggest none with outdoors, its more for indoors.
    Mainlining or manifolding may increase yeilds if you plant to keep the plant small. If it allows to grow too big, it will just bush out and act like a regular topped plant.
    When a plant is allowed to bush out, space within the plant receives no light, so a lot of area goes unsed and wasted. When this happens, you get less yeild for the added amount of time in veg spent. For this reason i try to control how long a plant is in veg by planting at a specific time, allowing thr plant to grow so big that light can still penetrate inside. This creates good yeild and decent quality produce, last year i got 2 pounds per plant. But they were monsters. This year im doing small again.
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