Total desolved solids in hydro what should ur numbers range inbetween?
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in hydro what should the tds be?
all tds meters actually measure electro conductivity and then they convert based on different compounds depending on the brand and model. Most likely your meter uses the 500 scale or the 700 scale. So the 500 one will display 500ppm for every EC point. So the range you want to keep your reservoir is from 0.5 EC (low feeding) up to 1.5 EC (super high) this will translate into 250-750ppms with the 500 scale
and 350-1100 with the 700 scale. Hope this helps. If you want to know more about this I created a thread called "very important to everyone ppm". Search for it and give it a look. There you can find out what scale your meter uses
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Check in the charts in there to know your EC value. Sounds perfect either way. It is high but not too crazy high. Only you know if the plants are being overfed or under. If you see some burning lower it to 700 or 600. If you get yellowing raise to 1000. You going to have to try and see how he plant reacts. The thing is. No matter what nutrients or supplements you put in. You can keep track of how "hot" is your water
Let me tell you. It all looks perfect. Keep researching and learning. All that ppm and the relation to the ph it's kinda "not for beginners" stuff not because it's complex it is just confusing and very hard to get your head around without experience. Practice will force you to understand how the water behaves. Only with time it will become clear it is "important" but at the same time not as much as other things. So don't worry much about that right now. Those readings seem ok to me. Try just for fun measuring your waters ph and ppm before and after adding the nutrients. Once you know your water is all downhillgood luck my friend