What is this yellowing on the leafs? It doesn't feel like septoria because the yellow spots don't have any bumps or brown edges around the yellow it almost seems like light bleach but I'm not sure. Could this be a virus or what do people think? And how do I cure it
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can anyone help me figure out what this is
I didn't realize that I had 2 light leaks into my res. I fixed one, problem continued, I discovered and fixed the other.
I got the GSE powder, first I had to take my plants out of the reservoir and rinse them well under the kitchen spray nozzle because the brown stuff was so thick. I was able to rinse it off, and underneath, the off-white roots were all still there. I mixed the GSE in with my nutrients, but it would have killed hygroguard, so I didn't add that. And the problem didn't come back. GSE is commonly used in ponds and suchlike for keeping down the algae. I learned a lot through the experience.
I flushed her with 5gals of water then I added 2gals of water with uc roots 20ml and all the yellowing of the leaves has stoped so far so I think it was root rot beging to start. It has totaly stoped for now so we will see if it comes back lol. I dnt think it's fungas just because it hasn't spred to the other 2plants