I didnt do any trimming for my first grow either. I did learn a lot from the experience, but I could have gotten a much better yield had I not.. I started with bag seeds and cfl bulbs though, and it looks like you have tasty strains from a good line and went straight to leds.. I would trim one, but leave the other alone and see for yourself what the differences are... for the first grow anyways.. this way, you will be able to critique yourself and gain more confidence in what you can and should not do.. It looks like you did just fine in the transition stage.. just dont trim up too far and youll be alright.
these are both hybrids right? they look indica dominant.. indicas stretch for a few weeks and then get very heavy on the ends.. any support you can give them will help with flower production and keep them from simply falling over from the weight.

what is your watering/nutrient schedule like?