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Visitor message from mgbarber58


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Last Activity: 02-25-2024, 11:46 AM
Joined: 11-13-2016

  • Visitor message from mgbarber58

    mgbarber58 posted a Visitor Message for DW2
    It’s obviously an outdoor grow. I live in Oklahoma and this time of year it’s hot as hell. The natural sunlight on the east side of house goes into shadow around 2pm. I have an led grow light on timer that comes on at 8, goes off at midnight giving it 18/6. The only thing I haven’t checked is ph.

  • DW2
    Howdy mgbarber58, I grow indoors in a DWC hydroponics system and I can't give much advice on growing outside and in soil. As far as the heat mitigation outside, I live south of Your location and it's hot here as well. A friend of mine used to grow vegetables (in particular Brussels sprouts) and they did not tolerate the heat well at all. He set up a cheese cloth tent over them wilt a fine mister along the top and thru the evaporation and partial shading, got good results from His garden. This may help You out in Your situation as well.
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