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Visitor message from oldjarhead100


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Last Activity: 04-06-2024, 12:22 PM
Joined: 09-02-2016

  • Visitor message from oldjarhead100

    oldjarhead100 posted a Visitor Message for NebulaHaze
    hey Nebula Sunday and Saturday when I logged on to GWE my laptop gave me a message that said someone with a bit coin miner was attempting to use my browser? and it would use up a enormous amounts of bandwidth? Makes everything slow down. I meant to send you a text but between up stairs and the cellar it vanished from my head .
    When I saw the server down yesterday I said that must be what was going on if so I'm very sorry I didn't text you maybe you could of headed it off
    Merry Christmas to you and Sirius

  • NebulaHaze
    Hey, thanks for the heads up. You are absolutely correct. Someone uploaded a file that put a small piece of code at the bottom of every page and caused a program to run in the background as long as there was a tab of the site open. Luckily we identified the problem yesterday, got it removed, and then invested in a company that specializes in preventing any and all hacks. We also informed the company that makes our forum softwares and they're investigating and getting it patched permanently. I found out this has been happening a lot to all kinds of sites because bitcoins are worth so much and people are going crazy trying to find ways to mine more. I never thought we'd get big enough to be targeted by hackers.
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