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Visitor message from starramus


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Last Activity: 01-14-2024, 01:59 AM
Joined: 01-18-2021

  • Visitor message from starramus

    starramus posted a Visitor Message for JeffInCanada
    Enjoying your avatar even though it is a bit out of focus. Did you take the photo yourself?

    I seldom do astronomy outreach, but will relate a story from some years ago. Was doing some casual observing from the back yard with my 10" Meade SCT, and noticed a neighbor curiously staring at me and my scope. He was a Mexican immigrant, and not fearing that he was a killer or a rapist I invited him over to take a look. I am sure that he had never viewed the king of cold giants through a telescope before, but he recognized it immediately. Hoopiter, hoopiter he shouted, and extolled his family to come, and take a look. They all thoroughly enjoyed the views, and my only regret is that I did not have my 20" Obsession set up. I am sure a view through that scope would have, employing the over used cliche, "knocked their socks off!" They are in the majority good people performing the humble work that is essential to our livelihood. And in fact they are more deserving to live in this geographical location than we who are the true illegal aliens.

  • JeffInCanada
    Thank you for writing and for noticing my avatar. I did take the photo myself. I have at Meade EXT 125. I was using the Meade LPI imager to take that photo. Maybe a little out of focus but I was very happy to capture the Great Red spot. Great story about showing Hoopiter to the locals. I am still learning astronomy and imaging and do not understand it all yet but I am working on it. It's great fun and interesting as it gets, for me. Thanks again!!
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