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Visitor message from soorbudgal


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Last Activity: Today, 09:24 AM
Joined: 01-14-2020

  • Visitor message from SoOrbudgal

    SoOrbudgal posted a Visitor Message for Bowhunterwoody
    Nice to see you also. I just got involved in a more serious grow forum when i got "banned" from here. I really like it much better. I don't know how i got to post on here again cause Sirus said i was banned for life LOL he said i spammed the forum. I wasn't even able to ask him how i did that? I never posted spam, i think it was from others who did'nt like my comments on their stupid posts and complained like children. No matter i'm happy to just post my grows and leave this place. I'm doing great, love my new little home and garden like crazy. I still do outdoor growing in summer and alot of indoor growing in winter. You take care, I'm not doing bad for nearly 70yrs old LOL still kicking.

  • Bowhunterwoody
    Hey budgal. Great to hear your doing well. Yea I figured it had something to do with that shithead rookiegrower bitching. He got ghosted here pretty much. This place just isn't the same anymore. Just boring as hell. Not too many of the regulars are here anymore. You, oldjarhead, plreef, your Canadian friend, even Mrfurley are all gone. 9fingerleaf still pops in about once every couple months just to help someone. Really glad to hear you're still enjoying the indoor and outdoor gardens. Stay young and stay happy!
    Last edited by Bowhunterwoody; 03-13-2025, 06:21 PM.
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